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Diensten (68)
- Keys to EMPOWER you
This is an hour long session that is to empower you. Together I help you learn what you need through different techniques that you feel comfortable using to empower your path forward. Each session is worked around what you need, how you can understand it using different energies that are accessible at little to no cost. When you are ready to move out of where you are, to align energetically to the divine frequencies of the universe so you are able to thrive and manifest the life you want to live, then this is for you. I work with all experience levels. - What do you need to be stepping into the expansion you want to see in yourself? - How do you need to diversify the way you do things to achieve? I am here for you, to show you the path through what I have learnt, what I recognise through psychic nudges and information that comes through as we work together. You have the opportunity to ask unlimited questions, to walk through complete healing session processes together and to truly grasp the concepts needed for you to feel empowered to push forward in a space that is encouraging, understanding and nurturing in the guidance you receive. Possible, but not limited to, healing modalities I work with: - Oneness and mindfulness practice - Assisting frequencies and water bending - Reiki techniques - Light energy techniques associated with: - Quantum and dimensional healing - DNA and holographic blueprint healing - Evolving potential through consciousness expansion techniques - Protecting your space, your energy field - Soul purpose activation
- QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
NOTE: 1. Book through consults section to schedule a 15 minute free Discovery Call that leads into a QHHT booking where you will be invoiced for the session. 2. The discovery call is on Zoom, you will receive a link to this in your booking email 3. QHHT sessions are ONLY offered in person, please read more about the session through the QHHT tab on the website. QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session This remarkable and insightful session is offered to you through the organic and inspirational teachings of Dolores Cannon. This session is like an invitation to your soul telling it that you are ready for what comes next, that you are ready for understanding what your soul has been trying to tell you. When you commit to your soul journey, to recognise that you are experiencing life in a specific way because you have a greater calling that is needing to be learnt through what you personally experience. These may be felt in the physical body, in the emotional or mental stuff. Gifting yourself this session where you transcend logic and move into the somnambulistic state you access the source light of your soul where you have the ability to ask for wisdom, for healing and for guidance. This is a soul journey with an intention of you receiving what you need most at this time. Your readiness and ability to truly let go and trust the journey of what comes next will awaken opportunities in ways you may never have imagined. Think bigger, go beyond what you believe is possible. Trust that within you you hold all the answers.
- Focusing on Psychic Organs & Senses
A session that works to focus on the awakening and alignment of psychic senses and abilities. Through this session I work to release generational, evolutionary and soul binds, issues and blocks that have disconnected you from working with this divine truth that is rightfully yours. I work to align to your higher self, intuitive knowing and connect you more efficiently with your teams in spirit for ongoing guidance and growth. This session is for those who are committed to accessing the light within, ready to embrace their intuitive truth and connect to that something more. DISCLAIMER: Soul histories are complicated, this is one session that works to start unlocking and awakening you to this higher truth. Every soul and the experiences of that soul are different and I do not guarantee the sudden awakening of psychic abilities from one session, rather a positive progression of understanding, expanding consciousness, raising vibration and a deeper intuitive truth that is in alignment to your psychic senses fully awakening within you. To repeat this session as guided by your higher truth you will work through the layers of all you have been in your evolution to, over time, activate the light codes connected to the source DNA blueprint where your highest truth exists. At this point I expect your clarity would be quite profound.
Andere pagina's (53)
- Psychic awakening | Airmeith
TERUG NAAR HOOFDMENU DIENSTEN Psychisch Ontwaken De vreugde van het leven en ervaren van het leven in VOLLEDIGE kleur terwijl je ontwaakt door je psychische en goddelijke waarheid. Er zijn veel wegen en aspecten om je daarin te verbinden en te activeren. Deze sessies zijn diepgaand en impactvol in wat ze bieden, allemaal uniek voor jou persoonlijk gechanneld. Focusing on Psychic Organs & Senses A path to awakening a clearer psychic connection Meer informatie 1 uur 50 Britse pond £ 50 Nu boeken Abonnementen bekijken Awaken to Psychic & Divine Knowing Invitation to expand your divine consciousness into your higher truth Meer informatie 1 uur 100 Britse pond £ 100 Nu boeken Abonnementen bekijken Journey through the Medicine Basket 1 -1 session with Yara Gibbs, Shamanic Medicine Woman Meer informatie 30 min. Nu boeken Abonnementen bekijken
- Holistic energy healing | Airmeith
Wereldwijde online genezingsservice WELCOME I am Susan Green I am a Psychic Medium & Energy Healer I am a Creator of Spiritual Tools I invite you to explore possibilities offered here at Airmeith and enlighten your soul with what I have to graciously, and affordably offer. Learn more about Susan Start here with a Consult Start here! BOOK HERE A consult is a great place to start! This is a remote service, you do not need to be present on the day. Book your session Provide me with an outline of what you are experiencing, or wanting to connect to. I do an energy reading of the influences contributing. I email you a report with an outline of sessions moving forward. That easy! Past Life Regression QHHT LEARN MORE Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique A powerful technique of past life regression that unlocks hidden wisdom and healing. This service is only offered for in person sessions in Preston, UK. Free Spirit Animal Guide Free Download Connect more intuitively with the Spirits Animals. Download this 48 animal cheat sheet, and receive a discount code for the insightful Messenger Animals Oracle Deck. YES PLEASE! Reiki Activation Services Chakra & Timed Energy Sessions Lightcode Memory Activations Past Life & Generational Healing Mentoring & Questions Tarot & Soul Readings Psychic Developement EXPLORE MORE SACRED SERVICE OFFERINGS A GIFT, FROM MY HEART TO YOUR ENLIGHTENED JOURNEY SERVICE PLANS ARE AN AFFORDABLE OPTION PRODUCTS TO PURCHASE ENLIGHTEN YOUR JOURNEY WITH THESE SACRED TOOLS OF SPIRIT Large Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Energy Harmonising & Balancing Pendulums Dowsing with Charts & Spirit Pendulums Messenger Animals Oracle Deck Pendulum Dowsing Charts & Booklets the INside effects: How the Body Heals, volume 2
- Project Awakening | Airmeith
Project Ontwaken Het is tijd om inspiratie op te doen Ja graag! Vastberaden zielen die meer willen, Deze aanbieding is voor jou... 12 weken 12 LIGHT CODE-geheugenactiveringen mentorschap ALLES GEPERSONALISEERD OP JOU Rechtstreeks en waar, to the point, diepgaande energie-ontwaking van je bronlicht, je levenskracht, je afstemming op de blauwdruk van je ziel die je verbindt om te bestaan in een ruimte van expansie. Dit gaat over het verlaten van de illusie, van het ervaren dat je ziel wordt losgemaakt van de stagnerende netwerken en terug wordt geïntegreerd in je BRON hoogfrequente goddelijke waarheid waar je je goddelijke en psychische gaven organisch herinnert, en daarbij het pad omarmt, stap voor stap naar het leven je mooiste leven. + De begeleiding die nodig is om die ruimte van je ware vorm te begrijpen, te stromen en te integreren, terwijl deze opnieuw wordt geboren en herinnerd in eenheid en richting geeft om proactief vooruit te gaan Dit resoneert met mij DIT IS PERSOONLIJK Een reis van tijdloosheid Het is een reis die uniek is voor jou. Het is geen voorgeprogrammeerde les. Het wordt geleid door je eigen hogere zelf en goddelijke teams met jou, door mij Een reis van liefde Het is een reis van het herkennen van de angst en jezelf toestaan deze los te laten. Het is het 'waarom' begrijpen van de vastzittende cycli van het leven die beperken en losbreken Een reis van herinneren Het is een samenkomen van verschillende helende modaliteiten die complementair zijn op een manier die verschuiving, verandering en overgang naar iets 'meer' mogelijk maakt Het ontwaken van de zaden van de ziel 01 OMHEL DE KANS 02 ACTIVEER VIA WEKELIJKSE SESSIES 03 LEREN, STROOM & WORDEN 04 HERINNER DE WIJSHEID DIE BINNENIN LEGT Illusie loslaten terwijl je heel wordt in je terugkeer naar eenheid Wat is erbij betrokken? Activering van lichtcodes voor hoogfrequente energienetwerken elke week gedurende 12 weken die uw zielsontwaken in de toekomst optimaliseren Leren werken met transformationele hulpfrequenties Tonen en geluidsfrequenties gebruiken Visualisatie & meditatie technieken Met pendelgenezing en wichelroedelopen voor meer bewustzijn Gronden in nieuwe energie terwijl je bewustzijn en bewustzijn zich uitbreiden Geheugenactivering via bronlichtcode Kristalhelingstechnieken begrijpen De tekenen van de geest herkennen Runen en ogham gebruiken om positieve verandering en verandering te creëren Inzicht in vorige levens en de invloeden die ze in het heden hebben Werken met engelen, voorouders, dierengeesten en meer Geen droom is te groot, als je begrijpt dat OVERVLOED je geboorterecht is Ik ben klaar