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66 items gevonden voor ""

  • QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

    This QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session is currently FREE and only available for in person sessions. Please email me through my contact page with enquiries if you are interested in receiving a session.

  • Energy Healing - Long

    You choose - distance or through video chat connection. If you would like to connect we do so at the end of your session, I will let you know when I have completed reading and working through your energy and open to talk with you at that point. This is form of healing the body on all levels of mind, body and soul, of past present and future. It is so remarkably effective for anyone who is open to alternative treatments from the harsh reality of subscription medication & surgery. Energy healing (REIKI) helps with all health problems - emotional, mental & physical. It works to unblock & heal the psychic, emotional, auric & physical body to promote ultimate well being. The possibilities really are unlimited. If you would like to see how this style of healing can assist you please contact me directly. This is a journey of the soul where we work through every session to activate your authentic light codes and align you back to your source blueprint. The ideal freedom of your soul to exist limitlessly is not just a dream!

  • 6 - 9D Activation in Divine Grids

    This session allows me to correct and 'knit' the fabric of time and space that is your divine source truth into the high frequency grids of the life you live on Earth at this time. Often one works to reconnect to higher thought, to live in love, peace, joy, prosperity and wholeness. The grids of the quantum dimensional space are imperative to achieving flow in all areas and as you allow this process to be corrected you open to give and receive more openly, not just with life, but with higher knowing, your sense of purpose that flows through inspired action and a sense of 'can do'. When all aligns optimally you live in FLOW. This session is brilliant for anyone who feels they are not connecting to their vision, purpose and potential optimally in life. A brilliant stepping stone that allows you to let go of the dense resistance and become the vision you know is your truth.

  • Source consciousness connection

    This is a true 'WOW' as it awakens you to access higher potential that flows from and through your source evolution. It literally creates a portal of light that cuts through the karmic issues, psychic debt, ancestral blocks and oppressive resistance, creating transformation of ones truth into its highest version of self. Activating this, connecting you back to your source DNA frequency, is MASSIVE as it allows you, with commitment and ongoing conscious awareness, to take leaps forward on the path to self healing, and healing others. This activation potentially connects you to rebirth the divine source code within the root chakra and DNA, to work through the transcription processes to exist in a space of ongoing evolution through the activation of the light code that has become latent through your evolution. This means you have the potential to rebirth your divine and psychic abilities and step into your soul purpose that flows with inspiration, vision and purpose. This is more than just a consciousness connection, I will work to release karmic blocks preventing the energy fully attuning into your energy field. This means you are receiving not a distorted aspect of the energy activation, but a true alignment that integrates beautifully with all you are and do. This process for you is easy 1. Book the session a time that is convenient for you - this is a remote session and comes with a report so you are aware of the influences in your energy field that needed to be released to fully align, this awareness builds your understanding to grow and evolve with 2. I let you know when we are all done, and I encourage you to connect through zoom at the end of the session, the last 15 min, to chat about the experience and ask questions 3. I send you via email a report, I am here to support you through this on the day or later as you feel you need it

  • Keys to EMPOWER you

    This is an hour long session that is to empower you. Together I help you learn what you need through different techniques that you feel comfortable using to empower your path forward. Each session is worked around what you need, how you can understand it using different energies that are accessible at little to no cost. When you are ready to move out of where you are, to align energetically to the divine frequencies of the universe so you are able to thrive and manifest the life you want to live, then this is for you. I work with all experience levels. - What do you need to be stepping into the expansion you want to see in yourself? - How do you need to diversify the way you do things to achieve? I am here for you, to show you the path through what I have learnt, what I recognise through psychic nudges and information that comes through as we work together. You have the opportunity to ask unlimited questions, to walk through complete healing session processes together and to truly grasp the concepts needed for you to feel empowered to push forward in a space that is encouraging, understanding and nurturing in the guidance you receive. Possible, but not limited to, healing modalities I work with: - Oneness and mindfulness practice - Assisting frequencies and water bending - Reiki techniques - Light energy techniques associated with: - Quantum and dimensional healing - DNA and holographic blueprint healing - Evolving potential through consciousness expansion techniques - Protecting your space, your energy field - Soul purpose activation

  • Energy Healing - Mini Session

    This is a short 15 min distance energy service for those of you who want to work to connect to something more, what is it for you? A fantastic way to just clear and align, consider this as small steps lead to big change! What is your intention: Good health? Intuitive knowing? Inner peace and clarity? Positive relationships? Psychic connection? Addiction? Phobias? Other options include healing your eyes, opening pathways to greater abundance, clearing deeper ongoing issues that align moods, temper, self-sabotage, sadness, despair, loss and more. If you are thinking it then we can create paths to work with it. Find pathways through past life alignment and clearing the issues that keep repeating. Whatever it is for you the possibilities are limitless, working through single sessions or a prepaid plan to open to weekly mini sessions to slowly help align you to your goals. Intentions can be updated weekly, you put forth what your goals or I can work intuitively for you. NOTE: A report will be emailed at the end of the session to let you know what I saw and cleared

  • Awakening through Higher-Self Consult

    This is an emailed report that is created to help you awaken through your higher self consciousness. Your higher-self is the keeper of the stories, the wisdom and lessons learned through your evolution. To awaken through your higher-self is know your soul. It is an expansion of consciousness that will guide you into greater contentment, inner peace and a knowing that is undeniable that brings a comfort and sense of security within your own truth. This awakens through your intuitive and higher knowing that will guide you into being and experiencing life in greater flow, opportunity and growth as the mapped higher consciousness of your soul comes back into positive coherence to be received more consciously by you. This session outlines what I see as to where the potential blocks and resistance is coming from and what sessions to book to resolve them.

  • Journey through the Medicine Basket

    When you journey with Yara, an exception shamanic healer & medicine woman, you can expect to explore, experience and expand through the channels of love that exist in all that we are and do in life on GAIA. - Learn how to set a sacred space with Great Spirit and Mother Earth. - Archangels, teams in spirit, your Ancestors will be present to help in this journey of the soul. - Experience love purity heart opening activations that free your mind, body and soul. - Experiencing greater unity, and inner confidence to trust what you feel and intuitively connect with. - As above, so below - your awareness empowering your personal sense of self to be assertive, progressive and open to taking a chance on you in life. - Integration of all you are as a divine channel of light & love. With Yara you can expect to be guided through - Meditation with drumming - Breathwork - Reflective journaling prompts - Intuitive art (no prior experienced necessary) - Honouring self - Embracing your personal pure divine love & connection to all THIS SESSION IS BOOKED as part of the 'Journey into Self-Love & Awareness' package. This package awakens you through initially experiencing 4 energy healing & light code activation sessions with Susan Green, then moving into the awakening of your inner soul through 8 guided sessions with Yara Gibb to transcend your own limitations through reconnecting your sense of self with the higher aspects of your soul in this life. Working through these two unique pathways has the potential to help you find direction, to feel empowered in taking the steps you have been hesitating to take. Through awareness and going within you learn how to bring your centre into you, and reset out of the mindsets and emotions that have previously held you back. When YOU know YOU, that is when you shine your brightest in all else that comes forth.

  • Pre-paid Services

    Please book here if you have prepaid or won a free service. In the notes section please comment what service it is that you have prepaid for or won, thankyou!

  • Focusing on Psychic Organs & Senses

    A session that works to focus on the awakening and alignment of psychic senses and abilities. Through this session I work to release generational, evolutionary and soul binds, issues and blocks that have disconnected you from working with this divine truth that is rightfully yours. I work to align to your higher self, intuitive knowing and connect you more efficiently with your teams in spirit for ongoing guidance and growth. This session is for those who are committed to accessing the light within, ready to embrace their intuitive truth and connect to that something more. DISCLAIMER: Soul histories are complicated, this is one session that works to start unlocking and awakening you to this higher truth. Every soul and the experiences of that soul are different and I do not guarantee the sudden awakening of psychic abilities from one session, rather a positive progression of understanding, expanding consciousness, raising vibration and a deeper intuitive truth that is in alignment to your psychic senses fully awakening within you. To repeat this session as guided by your higher truth you will work through the layers of all you have been in your evolution to, over time, activate the light codes connected to the source DNA blueprint where your highest truth exists. At this point I expect your clarity would be quite profound.

  • Karuna Reiki Activation - level 2

    Level 2 Karuna reiki attunement: pre-requisite, level 1 Karuna attunement A path of awakening through the crown chakra, the higher self and light codes forming that will open the mind in the physical sense to receive more freely the information and communication through psychic and divine pathways. This is the path for you if you are looking to release the heaviness of karma, of blockages and stagnancy that have enslaved you mind body or soul and to reconnect to the divine elements and realms where you can exist timelessly in a return to wholeness Level 2 activation purifies through ancestral / evolutionary resistance to embark on awakening deeper aspects of self where light codes that bring healing to self, and activate to heal others, are opened to more freely access the time space continuum. This is connecting you to a greater awakening of the wisdom that lay within so you may embark on your personal unique soul's purpose in this life. You will receive a digital certificate from this session

  • Shamballa Reiki - Level 4

    Shamballa Reiki - Level 4 attunement will introduce and activate symbols into remembrance through your souls DNA blueprint. These symbols are symbolic of the energy that is being channelled, they help to create greater flow and consistency in positive outcomes as you welcome back a wholeness of who you are now, in all multi-dimensional aspects of your soul. Shamballa reiki activation is a return to wholeness that creates a remembrance of the soul that is undeniable in the way life is perceived and understood. It shifts your vibration into positive alignment of the New Earth and 5D reality in its purest form. This attunement is powerful within all that is pure love, the rebuilding of the higher purpose of the soul in understanding how to actuate through your unique signature expression to manifest the step by step forward momentum of who you are in life. The power symbols that you will be attuned to are phenomenal in the way they channel the energy to form and flow more efficiently within the higher frequencies. Channelling energy becomes an organic 'weeding' out the dense emotional structures creating conflict and rebirthing through that higher vibration and divine love. Level 4 focuses on uplevelling your attunement to the vibration and resonance of Shamballa through multi-dimensional facets of your soul with a few symbol frequency activations. This session includes a level 4 standard .pdf manual, distance attunement with an option to connect via zoom in the last 15 minutes of the session.

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