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Shamanism simplified..

Writer: Susan GreenSusan Green

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Magic is

Have you ever wondered what Shamanism really is? I am not sure what stories or articles you have read in the past but today I am going to share with you my take on it.

It's a breath, a feeling ... it is knowing the energies that flow and exist beyond what we can physically see with our eyes. It is understanding that all is connected through vibration, through an energy that is raw and authentically organic in its most beautiful form.

To experience and understand this fully you must start with letting go of judgement and thoughts that will not let you believe in the 'impossible. In cultural times many used a sweat lodge to purify mind, body and soul of all unnecessary clutter. In today's society you can consider this and without the rituals take time to clear your outer environment, clear your mind and then journey within to discover and touch that spark that lies, for most, dormant. Excess clutter and noise is detrimental to finding the clarity you need to connect to these energy frequencies. Detoxify every part of your existence, note how this gives you clearer access to the creator himself to hear and understand the messages that are there yet remain, as yet, untouched and unheard.

As you detoxify every level of your existence (mind body and soul) you will also see how there is a shift and it starts to make amends to relationships, forgiving ones own self, forgiving others, releasing all toxicity in your inner being, your attitudes, your environment and the people around you. Through doing this you begin opening yourself up to your ancestors, a communication network that connects through your eternal existence and higher self, to help you hear and understand what it is you already know but have been blinded up until now to see. Call on this energy and frequency. In nature you can connect more easily to all the energy frequencies with greater ease, you can exist as one when you close your eyes and let go of all ... just be one with and listen, feel, resonate in a space that is so beautiful here.

In this place you find courage, life and the core essence of perspective to the flow and a reality that is profoundly real but seen or felt by so few. You will experience the energy through all that is around you, the feeling of awe and power of knowledge that is within an ancient earth. As you walk through life with this new perspective you will begin to understand and sense the changing landscapes, feel empowered knowing that with the help of not only your ancestors but your spirit animal guides walking beside you that there are no barriers. The only thing holding you back at this point is you. Life is there waiting, the energies of Grandmother Earth, of Mother Nature ... the energies that link us to the north south east and west and then the other energies of earth air fire and water, the power of the sun, the stars and the moon. It is profound what is around us when you just let go and open yourself to what is rightfully yours to embrace.

This is the path of profound revelation and healing.

If this is the path you are wanting to open yourself to then I encourage you to actively create a shift in your life and step forth, expand your horizons and get out into nature.. Find that place where you release all that binds you to just reach out to these auspicious guides, spirit animals and energies around us and learn to live, like waking for the first time in your life, to the reality of what is real. Connecting the breath, the energies, the feelings and understanding how with this all intertwined you can work with and co create in time, space and reality; heal yourself and others using the knowledge and gifts from the universe that exist all around us.

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