Hello everyone, this is the last of the weekly information I will be putting out on chakras at this stage, I truly hope you have learnt something and are now more aware of what is going on when you are not feeling quite right, or are displaying certain characteristics that you would like to resolve in yourself or those close to you. This 7 weeks of information is here to help to empower you to be able to actively work in a positive direction to better the place you are in personally. Recapping on last week to remind you how to balance your chakras, and then we move onto the the heart, throat, 3rd eye and crown chakra and recognising when they are overactive.
How can you balance your chakras?
There are various ways you can balance your overactive chakras including:
Tai Chi
Qi Gong
Reiki healing
Pendulum healing
Grounding your energy in nature
Other energy healing modalities
What are the symptoms of overactive chakras?
The Heart chakra - you know this is overactive if:
You are overprotective and often insecure with those that you love
Overly needy and fearful constantly for the safety of those you love
You are very loving, pure-hearted and forgiving
Your emotions are often overly elevated as you feel and absorb all that is going on around you, not just with you but with other people, on tv ... you empathize and relate completely experiencing it with them.
The Throat chakra - you know this is overactive if:
You are super talkative, to the point sometimes where it can be seen as verbal diarrhea
You tend to gossip
You have physical symptoms associated with the throat
The 3rd Eye chakra - you know this is overactive if:
You are likely to suffer with forehead headaches, vision problems
Possibly be dealing with insomnia
You are likely to have visions, hallucinations and feel overwhelmed
The Crown chakra - you know this is overactive if:
You are prone to dizziness
You feel confused often
You are oversensitive to light
You get headaches through the top of your head
Where are Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5?
If you have missed the previous posts I have put up then please follow these links below to review them:
What now?
Expect the unexpected. Know that this is all information to help empower you to feel amazing, each week building the blocks to help you understand why you or your loved ones act and react in certain ways. Focus on understanding and outcome to actively do something that you will be so pleasantly surprised about that you will wonder why this information hasn't been placed in your path before. Open yourself to the possibility of being able to help yourself and family in a positive manner that will have everyone relating easier to each other. Don't leave it until you hit rock bottom to find a solution that is then much harder to resolve, work weekly to maintain all that you desire to be. Be the balance you wish to see in others, lead by example and show the compassion and understanding to all with a new level of knowing for what it is you are learning in this series on chakras.
I would also like to offer to those interested, a low cost service - I provide to completely unblock and balance your chakra and energy system, raising your vibration and leaving you feeling good. I highly recommend if you have never experienced this that you should give it a go! Click on the picture below or any of the links throughout the blog to access this opportunity.
Stay amazing beautiful people xx