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person glowing at heart surrounded by violet flame

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Violet Flame Reiki - Level 3

1 uu
50 Brits pond

Beschrijving van de dienst

Violet Flame Reiki level 3 attunement: pre-requisite, level 2 Violet Flame attunement The violet flame is such an incredible energy, it is one of purification and cleansing. When you are attuned to Violet Flame Reiki you are agreeing to exist in a space of breaking down illusion. Illusion is formed in the densities that are held within mind, body and soul that prevent the soul seeing and existing in its higher purpose. To agree to this attunement through booking the session, you agree to update your light codes, your life and shared contracts to allow a positive progressive path back to the light and life force that is your truth. You will be ascending into higher frequencies that transform the shape and structure of the heart portal into your soul. This restructures the vibration that you resonate into the universe through thought, essentially optimising your ability to work with the Law of Attraction and magnetise your higher reality. You will organically release what no longer serves you and move into a more assertive connection to people and situations that bring ongoing alignment to your higher purpose. Over 4 activations we (me with teams in spirit) are able to release the illusion and diversionary tactics of darker energy forces that have shut down this ability through your evolutionary and ancestral pathways. We follow the rivers of energy to weave the networks of threads that are your higher power back into the quantum and dimensional consciousness fields. This activation integrates with other reiki modalities to bring a return to wholeness. Imagine yourself as a diamond, each activation bringing greater coherence of source into every facet of that diamond expanding your inner light and life force exponentially. Violet Flame Reiki helps to rebirth the inner knowing of the soul to 'remember' and more efficiently work to clear illness, disability, karma, cords, anchors, demonic and alien beings, to close dark portals and much more. It brings the awareness of thought, for the illusion that was preventing you from 'knowing' is suddenly able to flow, and in that, you can access the information to work with. When you set the intention to understand and know, meditate and channel through your divine light you will receive what is needed. You exist as the solution to any problem that may exist. You will receive a digital certificate from this session


For cancellations please provide at least 24hrs notice to avoid charges



Heal with Airmeith, 66 Oakengate, Fulwood, Preston PR2 9AE, UK

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