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67 items gevonden voor ""

  • Psychic Energy Reading

    I work to help open people to the realisation of their soul purpose, their gifts that are just waiting for the right time to be ready and awakened to. Through this psychic energy reading I channel with those that know you best, your Divine team. Help you to discover how your days are progressing to lead you to the path of most abundance. Deciding to work with me and through me to start embracing your authentic self is a rewarding decision and one that you will not look back on regretting. I help you discover where your truth lies and will guide you through the cards to embrace this truth and lead you to be able to make a choice to fully move forward from here. I am a gifted psychic and energy healer specialising in past life clearing and progression to awaken fully to ones gifts. I would love to take this opportunity to encourage you to not step back into the shadows but rather to shine and to let the world and all those around you feel the brilliance of that. Please note this is a remote session, you will receive a link to a recording of your reading.

  • Cosmic Kids & Lightworkers

    Consult via EMAIL This is a low cost service that provides a detailed report, inviting you to recognise more about your energy, how to work with and connect more fully to life: - the soul group you resonate with - how much of your potential you are currently accessing - the spirit animals that are currently supporting you - what crystals you currently need and how to use them - what to do to step into your potential - how to psychically shield yourself effectively - what your gifts are in this lifetime - suggested support groups that can be helpful This service is also highly recommended for parents of gifted, sensitive or troubled children to help understand and work with them

  • Karuna Reiki Activation - level 1

    Level 1 Karuna reiki activation A path of awakening through the crown chakra, the higher self and light codes forming that will open the mind in the physical sense to receive more freely the information and communication through psychic and divine pathways. This is the path for you if you are looking to release the heaviness of karma, of blockages and stagnancy that have enslaved you mind body or soul and to reconnect to the divine elements and realms where you can exist timelessly in a return to wholeness Level 1 activation opens you to embarking on this journey of truth and awakening wisdom within yourself. You will receive a certificate, and an information booklet from this session (digital)

  • Project Awakening - 12 x 90 min sessions

    For specific information on this 12 week process see the tab on the menu bar of website Follow your intuition, it will always lead you to the right destination. To trust and know who you are in your divinest truth without distraction, without illusion. This is a place where incredible things happen. If you are ready to walk the path to become limitless, then I am ready to step into the role 100% of supporting your journey there. This course of sessions is EMPOWERMENT that potentially reconnects you to your soul aligned business where prosperity and flow are born into your life in a way you have not yet experienced. This journey will take you to the highest highs and lowest lows BUT when you get to the other side, over the coming months, as your energy integrates and balances you will (if you continue living consciously) experience profound shifts that are indescribable. This is about you. If you are ready to step into rebirthing and activation of the DNA and source code that has been latent, ready to experience wholeness in a new truth, then I urge you fully to invest in yourself and let process begin.

  • Chakra & Energetic Balance

    PLEASE NOTE: If you want clearing and healing book the Mini Session, this session is purely for balancing your energy. Keeping your mind, body and soul balanced is key. This is done simply, no fuss here with me and in doing so can create an outlook that is profoundly more productive than before the balancing. I do this with you via distance, it can be booked for whilst you sleep or if you would like to enjoy the feeling of the energy transference then book for a time when you can relax, with a candle, soft music and just enjoy that beautiful energy wash over you. I recommend this session for EVERYONE, no exceptions, to lead the best life possible. Once a month is ideal to continue to maintain optimal balance that is needed to continue to excel in every aspect of your personal self. Book a session, experience it and then decide with an open mind just what it is worth to you. Packages available for discounts with ongoing sessions.

  • Healing your Pet Consult

    Did you know that our animals respond to energy healing generally better than we do? This is an emailed report that is created to help you understand the sessions required to clear, release, resolve and heal your pet of whatever is needed when you connect with me, this includes: - Food intolerance's, flatulence - Illness (like with humans, energy healing with animals is enormously effective!) - Bad and or destructive behaviours, moodiness, sadness, fear - Issues in any area (skin, sight, organs etc) - Healing from accident - Relationship problems between pet and others - Unspecified, let me know what is presenting and I will endeavor to help bring forth understanding to help resolve it

  • Oracle/Tarot Card Guidance

    Note: this is a remote session, you will receive a link to a recording of your reading. I will address 3 clear questions to help bring greater clarity and understanding to the underlying influences to what you are experiencing. This service can also be used to INTERPRET DREAMS, please contact me for details in regards to this. With this reading we can forecast what the energies are in the present, 3 months and 6 months around a situation, it can help to understand what is underlying in your life that you are not seeing, it can help to make a decision with moving by helping you understand the energies around different areas and how beneficial or not they would be for you! Whatever your intention, I am happy to work with it, this is a 30 minute appointment that outlines what is going on and what to be aware of. You will receive an emailed link to your reading when the session is complete.

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