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  • 10 - 12D Activation in Divine Grids

    This session allows me to correct and 'knit' the fabric of time and space that is your divine source truth into the high frequency grids of the life you live on Earth at this time. Often one works to reconnect to higher thought, to live in love, peace, joy, prosperity and wholeness. The grids of the quantum dimensional space are imperative to achieving flow in all areas and as you allow this process to be corrected you open to give and receive more openly, not just with life, but with higher knowing, your sense of purpose that flows through inspired action and a sense of 'can do'. When all aligns optimally you live in FLOW. This session is brilliant for anyone who feels they are not connecting to their vision, purpose and potential optimally in life. A brilliant stepping stone that allows you to let go of the dense resistance and become the vision you know is your truth.

  • Crystal Memory Activation

    Connect better with the energy of crystals, to intuitively know them and work with them to help you on this path in life. So wonderful! Attuning to crystals is akin to connecting to any energy of the universe, the elements, or the planet. Through this session I work to release blocks within your souls energy frequency that prevent you from feeling and working with the resonance of crystals. I then work to activate the latent source code to allow you to organically move into a place of resonance with them. To remember within your soul and be one with crystals is like being 'love'. Gaia has blessed these incredible gifts to us to help us heal and when you remember this organically, then you experience a deeper oneness with self and with others. This process for you is easy 1. Book the session a time that is convenient for you - this is a distance session so you can book for when you are sleeping or relaxing in mindful quietness 2. I let you know when we are all done, take your time to just resonate and bathe in that amazing energy coming your way! 3. I send you an emailed report and you can send me questions and thoughts if you wish, I am here to support you through this on the day or later as you feel you need it FREE SERVICE through social media pages: Check out the 'gemstone of the week' post that comes out every Monday This is followed on Tuesday with an awareness of how it can more specifically help you!

  • Shamballa Reiki - Level 3

    Shamballa Reiki - Level 3 attunement will introduce and activate symbols into remembrance through your souls DNA blueprint. These symbols are symbolic of the energy that is being channelled, they help to create greater flow and consistency in positive outcomes as you welcome back a wholeness of who you are now, in all multi-dimensional aspects of your soul. Shamballa reiki activation is a return to wholeness through the divine masculine & feminine that creates a remembrance of the soul that is undeniable in the way life is perceived and understood. It shifts your vibration into positive alignment of the New Earth and 5D reality in its purest form. This attunement is powerful within all that is pure love, the rebuilding of the higher purpose of the soul in understanding how to actuate through your unique signature expression to manifest the step by step forward momentum of who you are in life. The power symbols that you will be attuned to are phenomenal in the way they channel the energy to form and flow more efficiently within the higher frequencies. Channelling energy becomes an organic 'weeding' out the dense emotional structures creating conflict and rebirthing through that higher vibration and divine love. Level 3 focuses on uplevelling your attunement to the vibration and resonance of Shamballa through multi-dimensional facets of your soul with a few symbol frequency activations. This session includes a level 3 standard .pdf manual, distance attunement with an option to connect via zoom in the last 15 minutes of the session.

  • Energy Healing - Long

    You choose - distance or through video chat connection. If you would like to connect we do so at the end of your session, I will let you know when I have completed reading and working through your energy and open to talk with you at that point. This is form of healing the body on all levels of mind, body and soul, of past present and future. It is so remarkably effective for anyone who is open to alternative treatments from the harsh reality of subscription medication & surgery. Energy healing (REIKI) helps with all health problems - emotional, mental & physical. It works to unblock & heal the psychic, emotional, auric & physical body to promote ultimate well being. The possibilities really are unlimited. If you would like to see how this style of healing can assist you please contact me directly. This is a journey of the soul where we work through every session to activate your authentic light codes and align you back to your source blueprint. The ideal freedom of your soul to exist limitlessly is not just a dream!

  • Violet Flame Reiki - Level 2

    Violet Flame Reiki level 2 attunement: pre-requisite, level 1 Violet Flame attunement The violet flame is such an incredible energy, it is one of purification and cleansing. When you are attuned to Violet Flame Reiki you are agreeing to exist in a space of breaking down illusion. Illusion is formed in the densities that are held within mind, body and soul that prevent the soul seeing and existing in its higher purpose. To agree to this attunement through booking the session, you agree to update your light codes, your life and shared contracts to allow a positive progressive path back to the light and life force that is your truth. You will be ascending into higher frequencies that transform the shape and structure of the heart portal into your soul. This restructures the vibration that you resonate into the universe through thought, essentially optimising your ability to work with the Law of Attraction and magnetise your higher reality. You will organically release what no longer serves you and move into a more assertive connection to people and situations that bring ongoing alignment to your higher purpose. Over 4 activations we (me with teams in spirit) are able to release the illusion and diversionary tactics of darker energy forces that have shut down this ability through your evolutionary and ancestral pathways. We follow the rivers of energy to weave the networks of threads that are your higher power back into the quantum and dimensional consciousness fields. This activation integrates with other reiki modalities to bring a return to wholeness. Imagine yourself as a diamond, each activation bringing greater coherence of source into every facet of that diamond expanding your inner light and life force exponentially. Violet Flame Reiki helps to rebirth the inner knowing of the soul to 'remember' and more efficiently work to clear illness, disability, karma, cords, anchors, demonic and alien beings, to close dark portals and much more. It brings the awareness of thought, for the illusion that was preventing you from 'knowing' is suddenly able to flow, and in that, you can access the information to work with. When you set the intention to understand and know, meditate and channel through your divine light you will receive what is needed. You exist as the solution to any problem that may exist. Through this attunement you will receive a digital certificate

  • Release Earthbound Souls

    This is a distance session with a full written report of what I see, feel, who the souls are and what has bound them in the in between realm. Often our loved ones are held here on earth, unable to cross over due to strong emotions of hostility, jealousy, remorse, sadness, self-pity and or unfulfilled issues. They can create disruption and lack of clarity within you thoughts and living environment. If you are not sure if this is what is happening to you then please book a consult session first: Are they attached to you? I work in this session to understand who it is and what it is that is holding this soul/s here with you. Through understanding you will then experience the release as these souls are guided into the light to where they are meant to be. It can really help not just them but you as often the person the soul is attached to will also experience the emotion and pain in odd ways that the soul 'remembers' and is bound to. I am so grateful to be able to work with these lost souls and to help them heal, to resolve the karma and connect you and the soul back to your divine light truth as it should be. Up to 3 souls cleared in one session.

  • Angelic light code activation

    This activation is akin to walking on clouds, to floating in a realm of stardust and miracles. Where this energy takes you is to the edge of your freest organic existence in this realm, visions that promote inspired action that lead into realities beyond what you conceptualise right now. These realities exist in this life you live, and this is the key to receiving the step by step knowing to get there. This beautiful awakening allows you to be more than you ever believed you could be as the angelic codes bless and radiate out to bring through the central sun a profound, I AM empowerment, that opens you to communicate on different spiritual levels and in turn, be guided by Angelic Teams through love purity consciousness, aligning you to your higher power, higher purpose and soul expansion. Communication pathways through claircognizance attune to the angelic realm. This means you can literally 'pick up a phone' to speak to the angels whenever you feel the need. Like all things, this is a skill that needs to be developed. The more you work with it after this activation, the faster this gift will evolve. Knowing is a powerful tool, this is how you receive so learning to trust in you is super important. After this Angelic Light Code activation you will progress into higher thought much faster than would otherwise be possible. Clarity, understanding and intuitive nudges that come forth helping you to ongoing make the correct decision that opens doors to those inspired realities of higher purpose. You are here for a reason! There is SO MUCH help around you in spirit and this is what the activation is opening you to communicate to. Note: I am smiling now, for as I say this spirit is showing me an image of putting supersonic jet packs on your spiritual development. SO PROFOUND!!! An indication of massive progress when you are guided and learning from those that know your soul in its truest form through all evolution!

  • Shamballa Reiki - Level 2

    Shamballa Reiki - Level 2 attunement will introduce and activate symbols into remembrance through your souls DNA blueprint. These symbols are symbolic of the energy that is being channelled, they help to create greater flow and consistency in positive outcomes as you welcome back a wholeness of who you are now, in all multi-dimensional aspects of your soul. Shamballa reiki activation is a return to wholeness that creates a remembrance of the soul that is undeniable in the way life is perceived and understood. It shifts your vibration into positive alignment of the New Earth and 5D reality in its purest form. This attunement is powerful within all that is pure love, the rebuilding of the higher purpose of the soul in understanding how to actuate through your unique signature expression to manifest the step by step forward momentum of who you are in life. The power symbols that you will be attuned to are phenomenal in the way they channel the energy to form and flow more efficiently within the higher frequencies. Channelling energy becomes an organic 'weeding' out the dense emotional structures creating conflict and rebirthing through that higher vibration and divine love. Level 2 focuses on uplevelling your attunement to the vibration and resonance of Shamballa through multi-dimensional facets of your soul with a few symbol frequency activations. This session includes a level 2 standard .pdf manual, distance attunement with an option to connect via zoom in the last 15 minutes of the session.

  • Shamballa Reiki - Level 4

    Shamballa Reiki - Level 4 attunement will introduce and activate symbols into remembrance through your souls DNA blueprint. These symbols are symbolic of the energy that is being channelled, they help to create greater flow and consistency in positive outcomes as you welcome back a wholeness of who you are now, in all multi-dimensional aspects of your soul. Shamballa reiki activation is a return to wholeness that creates a remembrance of the soul that is undeniable in the way life is perceived and understood. It shifts your vibration into positive alignment of the New Earth and 5D reality in its purest form. This attunement is powerful within all that is pure love, the rebuilding of the higher purpose of the soul in understanding how to actuate through your unique signature expression to manifest the step by step forward momentum of who you are in life. The power symbols that you will be attuned to are phenomenal in the way they channel the energy to form and flow more efficiently within the higher frequencies. Channelling energy becomes an organic 'weeding' out the dense emotional structures creating conflict and rebirthing through that higher vibration and divine love. Level 4 focuses on uplevelling your attunement to the vibration and resonance of Shamballa through multi-dimensional facets of your soul with a few symbol frequency activations. This session includes a level 4 standard .pdf manual, distance attunement with an option to connect via zoom in the last 15 minutes of the session.

  • Past Lives consult

    This is an EMAILED report only, for phone consults please book a 'Questions' session. Becoming your truth starts with being willing to accept change. As much as the conscious mind may want that change, sometimes the unconscious mind still carries the wounds and prevents it being so. Do you feel you need more help to release the emotional wounds and trauma? Working with me I help to recognise where it is held within your past lives, the experiences of the present formed through the unresolved karma of the past. When we release this, then the energy flows and the ability to heal comes forth. Book a consult session with me to learn more about what is underlying with your past. This session is a brief reading to understand the influences around your intention that are linking through past lives, or potentially dimensional leaks or loops that are feeding into the reality you live now. Clear and release all, think unlimited possibilities, no bounds. Book this session today, outline in the notes all relevant details, a brief description of issues presenting. This session outlines what I see as to where the potential blocks and resistance is coming from and what sessions to book to resolve them.

  • Violet Flame Reiki - Level 1

    The violet flame is such an incredible energy, it is one of purification and cleansing. When you are attuned to Violet Flame Reiki you are agreeing to exist in a space of breaking down illusion. Illusion is formed in the densities that are held within mind, body and soul that prevent the soul seeing and existing in its higher purpose. To agree to this attunement through booking the session, you agree to update your light codes, your life and shared contracts to allow a positive progressive path back to the light and life force that is your truth. You will be ascending into higher frequencies that transform the shape and structure of the heart portal into your soul. This restructures the vibration that you resonate into the universe through thought, essentially optimising your ability to work with the Law of Attraction and magnetise your higher reality. You will organically release what no longer serves you and move into a more assertive connection to people and situations that bring ongoing alignment to your higher purpose. Over 4 activations we (me with teams in spirit) are able to release the illusion and diversionary tactics of darker energy forces that have shut down this ability through your evolutionary and ancestral pathways. We follow the rivers of energy to weave the networks of threads that are your higher power back into the quantum and dimensional consciousness fields. This activation integrates with other reiki modalities to bring a return to wholeness. Imagine yourself as a diamond, each activation bringing greater coherence of source into every facet of that diamond expanding your inner light and life force exponentially. Violet Flame Reiki helps to rebirth the inner knowing of the soul to 'remember' and more efficiently work to clear illness, disability, karma, cords, anchors, demonic and alien beings, to close dark portals and much more. It brings the awareness of thought, for the illusion that was preventing you from 'knowing' is suddenly able to flow, and in that, you can access the information to work with. When you set the intention to understand and know, meditate and channel through your divine light you will receive what is needed. You exist as the solution to any problem that may exist. Through this attunement you will receive a certificate, and an information booklet (digital copies).

  • Phoenix evolutionary DNA activation

    This session is for you if you experience ongoing dense energy that is creating a mass of challenges in the way you think and feel. The Phoenix Evolutionary DNA Activation is going to help you purge through mental looping, emotional triggers and resistant karma bound in contracts and within the 'container' you were born to in this life. Your name and your birthdate hold the key frequencies to activate this energy and transform through the physical portals of self. The physical self experiences but as you shift and transform you will ripple through this evolution of letting go on all levels which will heal through the shape, structure and information network of the fabrics in all time frames looping back to you here. So, freedom of self. Opening to access higher potential through your source evolution that is your truest truth. We are creating portals of light that cut through the karmic issues, possession, resistance and creating pure light power. This is a journey that is akin to being in the ancient woods, a sacred space within the protection of majestic trees encircling a clearing. A fire burns bright and you see yourself rising up out of the flames cleansed and rebirthed within a new and purified existence. Floating in a way so divine above the fire and open to what is next as you experience freedom. Naked, new, pure and light ... pure light exploding from every cell. This is your new reality to open in any way, any form that you choose moving forward. NOTE: Activation of this WILL in most people create a physical purge to work through. This is temporary but an important part of the process.

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