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67 items gevonden voor ""

  • 15-Minute QHHT Discovery Call

    15-Minute Discovery Call: Explore the Transformative Power of QHHT Are you curious about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and how it can help you heal and transform your life? Schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery call with me, Susan Green, to learn more! In this brief yet insightful session, we will: - Discuss your unique needs and goals: Share your challenges and what you hope to achieve with QHHT. - Explain the QHHT process: Get a clear understanding of how a typical QHHT session works and what to expect. - Answer your questions: Address any concerns or curiosities you may have about QHHT and its benefits. - Determine if QHHT is right for you: Assess whether QHHT aligns with your healing journey and how we can move forward. - Limited slots available. Schedule your 15-minute discovery call now and take the first step towards profound healing and self-discovery.

  • Reconnect - Divine Feminine Consult

    This is an emailed report that is to help you recognise your relationship with the divine feminine, and in that, how to take steps to rebirth the infinite potential through the cosmic womb. To update the divine blueprint and mapping of your soul. This is a beautiful invitation to reconnect with your inner strength, inner beauty and unashamedly align through this to step into living your vision and higher purpose. This session outlines what I see and feel is impacting as to where potential blocks and resistance is coming from and what sessions to book to assertively overcome, then activate and remap into your divine feminine potential. You receive a written report to refer to for a positive path forward through step by step action.

  • Psychic Potential Unleashed Consult

    So you have psychic potential but now what? Work with me to discover exactly how to open to your psychic potential fully. Do you think you are there already? Do not allow ego to prevent you from asking! In my experience we can ALWAYS push the boundaries a little further and every time you do you enhance your understanding, seeing beyond the veil of what most see and know. You allow your specific gifts to grow and, a lot of the time, open yourself to new ones. Book an appointment, explore your options and embrace this amazing part of yourself today. This session will outline my thoughts and what I feel blocking you and what sessions would be beneficial to work with to clear them.

  • Violet Flame Reiki - Level 3

    Violet Flame Reiki level 3 attunement: pre-requisite, level 2 Violet Flame attunement The violet flame is such an incredible energy, it is one of purification and cleansing. When you are attuned to Violet Flame Reiki you are agreeing to exist in a space of breaking down illusion. Illusion is formed in the densities that are held within mind, body and soul that prevent the soul seeing and existing in its higher purpose. To agree to this attunement through booking the session, you agree to update your light codes, your life and shared contracts to allow a positive progressive path back to the light and life force that is your truth. You will be ascending into higher frequencies that transform the shape and structure of the heart portal into your soul. This restructures the vibration that you resonate into the universe through thought, essentially optimising your ability to work with the Law of Attraction and magnetise your higher reality. You will organically release what no longer serves you and move into a more assertive connection to people and situations that bring ongoing alignment to your higher purpose. Over 4 activations we (me with teams in spirit) are able to release the illusion and diversionary tactics of darker energy forces that have shut down this ability through your evolutionary and ancestral pathways. We follow the rivers of energy to weave the networks of threads that are your higher power back into the quantum and dimensional consciousness fields. This activation integrates with other reiki modalities to bring a return to wholeness. Imagine yourself as a diamond, each activation bringing greater coherence of source into every facet of that diamond expanding your inner light and life force exponentially. Violet Flame Reiki helps to rebirth the inner knowing of the soul to 'remember' and more efficiently work to clear illness, disability, karma, cords, anchors, demonic and alien beings, to close dark portals and much more. It brings the awareness of thought, for the illusion that was preventing you from 'knowing' is suddenly able to flow, and in that, you can access the information to work with. When you set the intention to understand and know, meditate and channel through your divine light you will receive what is needed. You exist as the solution to any problem that may exist. You will receive a digital certificate from this session

  • Earthbound Souls Consult

    This is an email consult only to let you know if you have earthbound souls with you, how many and what can be done about it. Read through the list below for indicators that these poor souls have not yet crossed and are trying to tell you any way they can that they are there. 1. Feeling chronically tired and depleted of energy 2. Dealing with accentuated emotional issues 3. Hearing 'inner voices' telling you things 4. Problems with addictions of all kinds 5. Poor memory, inability to focus or confusion 6. A sudden onset of anxiety, depression or panic attacks 7. Pets become wary all of a sudden and shy away, sometimes growling 8. A sudden onset of physical problems or pain with no obvious cause, especially around the upper back and neck 9. Disturbing nightmares or strange faces in dreams 10. Feelings of being watched or unexplained sensations such as a distortion of space and time 11. Feelings of uneasiness, cold areas in the home 12. Sense of another presence in the house when nobody else is around 12. Not feeling like yourself 13. Disruption to electrical appliances like t.v. wifi, devices etc 14. Strange smell, movement or sounds about the house NOTE: Obviously there are other reasons these things may be experienced but if you feel that this is happening to you please book this low cost consult to find out now.

  • Energy Healing - Short

    This is a distance session with an emailed report This is a gentle form of healing the body on all levels and is so remarkably effective for anyone who is open to alternative treatments from the harsh reality of subscription medication & surgery. Energy healing (REIKI) helps with all health problems - emotional, mental & physical. It works to unblock & heal the psychic, emotional, auric & physical body to promote ultimate well being. The possibilities really are unlimited. You can book this session direct or start with a consult session for an energy reading and plan for the path forward in line with your intention to heal.

  • Remove Cursed Magic - Long

    Does bad luck and misfortune seem to follow you? Do you try, try, try and yet get nowhere for all your efforts and get overlooked? Perhaps you can't think clearly or you just know something is not right, or you suspect something larger inflicting your whole family with illness, misery or certain character traits that are undesirable. It could be that you feel blocked in your psychic gifts and cannot seem to progress any further. It is surprising just how many of us carry extra baggage in the form of cursed magic ... this comes in many different forms and is often bound through our karma, passed through our family or it can even come from such strong emotional beliefs that you have literally, at some point in your soul history, cursed yourself. This energy appears as a such a heavy block. Releasing it can open you to lighten the load and start making progress in life. There is NOTHING to be scared of here! I do all the work for you, simply relax and open to receive the light, the love and to move out of the place you have been in. If you are wanting to explore this option but are not sure if it is for you, then email me with an inquiry, we can then discuss if this service would be beneficial or not.

  • Shape-shifting through realities

    Beyond the realm of logic, of the divine physical existence we live, there is a world where the energy exists differently. This is a place where the shift and movement of the universe converges to shape shift the reality of what you see, feel, and think. Within this filed of limitless is potential to go beyond. To transform and travel through any realty by bending the particles of space and time to bring resolve to hidden entities attacking, and to heal a wounded soul through understanding the deeper aspects of fragmentation the soul is existing in. This activation is one of birthing wisdom to recognise how to create the shortcuts with the way you see and conceptualise to set intentions within your healing practice, to bring greater light potential to the way things are done. Knowledge and wisdom is not instantaneous, be aware that to understand the networks of reality it is important to allow integration and time through oneness, to trust what you feel. Through working with the concepts of what your are remembering, and shown as wisdom within activates, your ability to work with time and space, the matrix of realities that exist within and around the all, expands. Through this session we REPAIR what has been lost and allow integration through the latent codes to then multiply your potential in time frames limitlessly in the matrix of the all, recognising the veiled blocks and transforming with the highest of divine help. This is pure potential if you are willing to do the work with it ongoing. This session is highly recommended for those already working within the light through parallel, dimensional and/or quantum fields and looking for the 'next step'.

  • Karuna Reiki Activation - level 3

    Level 3 Karuna reiki activation: pre-requisite, level 2 Karuna attunement A path of awakening through the crown chakra, the higher self and light codes forming that will open the mind in the physical sense to receive more freely the information and communication through psychic and divine pathways. This is the path for you if you are looking to release the heaviness of karma, of blockages and stagnancy that have enslaved you mind body or soul and to reconnect to the divine elements and realms where you can exist timelessly in a return to wholeness Level 3 activation connects you through your source consciousness into the love purity consciousness. At this level the torus field of the heart portal is correcting through the shape and structure to bring greater coherence and understanding to who you are in your divine uniqueness. Through personal work, at this stage you are finding a clearer connection with teams in spirit, with the unconditional love within self that is appreciation, presence, and personal divinity. You open to exist in opportunity and pathways through your life force connection within the collective field that opens to prosperity in ever progressive momentum. You will receive a digital certificate from this session

  • Illness consult

    Consult by EMAIL For those that are ill - physically, chronically, terminally, mentally, long term or not ... on any scale. • Skin problems: acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry and itchy, too oily • Cold, flu, pneumonia, bacterial, fungal or virus infections • Cancer, disease, auto-immune issues, diabetes etc • Organ issues, IBS • Memory issues, alzheimers, dementia, migraines • Generational issues, teeth/gum issues • Digestion issues, reflux, food intolerances • Chronic period pain, inability to fall pregnant • Skeletal problems, muscular and joint issues • Arthritis, circulation and artery, heart issues • Warts, gout • Asthma, hayfever, sinus issues • Stuttering, speech and communication difficulties • Difficult pregnancy • Anxiety, stress, panic attacks, moodiness • Depression, phobias • Autism, ODD, Obsessive compulsive and other mental impairments • Bulimia, anorexia, overweight, obesity • Chronic fatigue, chronic pain, fibromyalgia • Deafness, blindness, disability (just ask how I can help!) If you are open to healing through a completely different methodology then this is for you. Just book and put forth in the notes how you need help and I will assess and work through to understand the underlying influences and suggest a course of sessions that will help, how much they will help and what you can expect over what period of time. Clear, release, resolve and heal from the source of the issues and discover the path to true freedom of living. This session outlines what I see as to where the potential blocks and resistance preventing optimal health is coming from and what sessions to book to resolve them.

  • Chakra & Energetic Cleanse

    This is a 60 min distance session with option to connect at end through video chat This is so much more than an unblock & balance of energies, of your chakras. This services looks at all of the energy pathways to understand the flow and connection of mind body and soul. It is holistic in its approach and depending on your intention it will impact in different ways, but always beneficially connecting you to better alignment and a higher vibration. This session looks at all time frames and how any cords, programs, emotions, energetic blocks and non-beneficial energies, dark consciousness or attachments that harvests your positive energy flow have carried over from your souls history and are negatively impacting on the communication and energy flow creating symptoms of illness that may be felt physically, mentally, emotionally or through relationships. This service is for those looking for - A clearer connection to their divine and psychic abilities, wanting to progress further, releasing the limitations to move you beyond the realm of 'logical' thinking and into that which is intuitively guided, ie: expanding consciousness - Clearing association to physical, mental or emotional illness and trauma that is not resolving through 'logical' pathways in the present, this releasing what ties you to it in your souls history - Releasing emotional suppression that can lead to depression, anxiety, fear, worry, obsessive and paranoia type behaviours I look forward to working with you to bring more light and clarity to your life. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me!

  • Journey through the Medicine Basket

    When you journey with Yara, an exception shamanic healer & medicine woman, you can expect to explore, experience and expand through the channels of love that exist in all that we are and do in life on GAIA. - Learn how to set a sacred space with Great Spirit and Mother Earth. - Archangels, teams in spirit, your Ancestors will be present to help in this journey of the soul. - Experience love purity heart opening activations that free your mind, body and soul. - Experiencing greater unity, and inner confidence to trust what you feel and intuitively connect with. - As above, so below - your awareness empowering your personal sense of self to be assertive, progressive and open to taking a chance on you in life. - Integration of all you are as a divine channel of light & love. With Yara you can expect to be guided through - Meditation with drumming - Breathwork - Reflective journaling prompts - Intuitive art (no prior experienced necessary) - Honouring self - Embracing your personal pure divine love & connection to all THIS SESSION IS BOOKED as part of the 'Journey into Self-Love & Awareness' package. This package awakens you through initially experiencing 4 energy healing & light code activation sessions with Susan Green, then moving into the awakening of your inner soul through 8 guided sessions with Yara Gibb to transcend your own limitations through reconnecting your sense of self with the higher aspects of your soul in this life. Working through these two unique pathways has the potential to help you find direction, to feel empowered in taking the steps you have been hesitating to take. Through awareness and going within you learn how to bring your centre into you, and reset out of the mindsets and emotions that have previously held you back. When YOU know YOU, that is when you shine your brightest in all else that comes forth.

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