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  • Project Awakening | Airmeith

    Progetto Risveglio È tempo di essere ispirati Sì grazie! Anime determinate che vogliono di più, Questa offerta è per te... 12 settimane 12 attivazioni della memoria CODICE LUCE mentoring TUTTO PERSONALIZZATO PER TE Dritto e vero, al punto, in profondità il risveglio energetico della tua fonte di luce, la tua forza vitale, il tuo allineamento con il progetto della tua anima che ti connette per esistere in uno spazio di espansione. Si tratta di uscire dall'illusione, di sperimentare che la tua anima viene svincolata dalle reti stagnanti e reintegrata nella tua verità divina ad alta frequenza FONTE dove ti ricordi organicamente dei tuoi doni divini e psichici, e in quell'abbraccio il percorso, passo dopo passo verso la vita la tua vita migliore. + Il mentoring necessario per comprendere, fluire e integrarsi in quello spazio della tua forma più vera mentre rinasce e viene ricordato nell'unità dando una direzione per andare avanti in modo proattivo Questo risuona con me QUESTO E' PERSONALE Un viaggio senza tempo È un viaggio unico per te. Non è una lezione preprogrammata. È guidato dal tuo sé superiore e dalle squadre divine con te, attraverso di me Un viaggio d'amore È un viaggio per riconoscere la paura e permettere a te stesso di lasciarla andare. È capire il "perché" dei cicli bloccati della vita che limitano e si liberano Un viaggio nel ricordo È un incontro di diverse modalità di guarigione che si completano in un modo che consente il passaggio, il cambiamento e la transizione verso qualcosa di "di più" Risvegliare i semi dell'anima 01 COGLIERE L'OPPORTUNITÀ 02 ATTIVARE TRAMITE SESSIONI SETTIMANALI 03 IMPARA, FLUISCI & DIVENTARE 04 RICORDA LA SAPIENZA CHE STA DENTRO Liberando l'illusione mentre diventi completo nel tuo ritorno all'unità Cosa è coinvolto? Attivazione di codici luminosi alle reti energetiche ad alta frequenza ogni settimana per 12 settimane che ottimizzano il risveglio dell'anima in futuro Imparare a lavorare con le frequenze di assistenza trasformativa Utilizzo di toni e frequenze sonore Tecniche di visualizzazione e meditazione Incorpora la guarigione del pendolo e le carte di rabdomanzia per una maggiore consapevolezza Radicati in una nuova energia mentre la tua consapevolezza e coscienza si espandono Attivazione della memoria tramite codice sorgente luce Comprendere le tecniche di guarigione dei cristalli Riconoscere i segni dello spirito Usare rune e ogham per creare cambiamenti e cambiamenti positivi Comprendere le vite passate e le influenze che hanno nel presente Lavorare con angeli, antenati, spiriti animali e altro ancora Nessun sogno è troppo grande, quando capisci che ABBONDANZA è un tuo diritto di nascita Sono pronto

  • Reiki Attunements | Airmeith

    TORNA AL MENU' PRINCIPALI SERVIZI Attivazione memoria codice luce Per il risveglio, l'espansione e la connessione a un potenziale superiore Queste sessioni sono puramente per l'attivazione, non c'è un tutoraggio in corso offerto con loro. Se desideri un tutoraggio continuo, prenota quella sessione separatamente tramite questo link di tutoraggio. ​ In alternativa, se stai cercando un'espansione e una trasformazione MASSIVE, considera "RISVEGLIO DEL PROGETTO". 12 settimane, 12 attivazioni memoria codice luce + tutoraggio Karuna Reiki Activation - level 1 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Karuna Reiki Activation - level 2 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Karuna Reiki Activation - level 3 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Violet Flame Reiki - Level 1 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Violet Flame Reiki - Level 2 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Violet Flame Reiki - Level 3 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Violet Flame Reiki - Level 4 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Shamballa Reiki - Level 1 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Shamballa Reiki - Level 2 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Shamballa Reiki - Level 3 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Shamballa Reiki - Level 4 Scopri di più 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani

  • About Susan | Airmeith

    This is my story, in a time line for ease of reading, of my journey. From chronic illness through to personal mind body soul freedom as I stepped into my higher purpose and divine abilities. I bring this to you to help inspire all. The only limitations one has truly is in their mind and what is within that prevents that next step being taken. I am living proof that just because you were born into a certain reality, it does not have to dictate what 'could be' in the future. I believe I am limitless, and so I am. 2015-2017 University Name 2011-2014 University Name 2007-2014 University Name This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle. This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle. This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle. Get in Touch 123-456-7890

  • Holistic energy healing | Airmeith

    Servizio di guarigione online in tutto il mondo WELCOME I am Susan Green I am a Psychic Medium & Energy Healer I am a Creator of Spiritual Tools ​ I invite you to explore possibilities and enlighten your soul with what I have to graciously, and affordably offer Learn more about Susan Low Cost PsychicConsults A great place to start! You book your session Provide me with an outline of what you are experiencing, or wanting to connect to. I do an energy reading of the influences contributing. I email you a report with an outline of sessions moving forward. That easy! BOOK HERE QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique A powerful technique that unlocks hidden wisdom and healing. LEARN MORE Reiki Activation Services Chakra & Timed Energy Sessions Lightcode Memory Activations Past Life & Generational Healing Mentoring & Questions Tarot & Soul Readings Psychic Developement EXPLORE MORE SACRED SERVICE OFFERINGS A GIFT, FROM MY HEART TO YOUR ENLIGHTENED JOURNEY SERVICE PLANS ARE AN AFFORDABLE OPTION PRODUCTS TO PURCHASE ENLIGHTEN YOUR JOURNEY WITH THESE SACRED TOOLS OF SPIRIT Large Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Energy Harmonising & Balancing Pendulums Dowsing with Charts & Spirit Pendulums Messenger Animals Oracle Deck Pendulum Dowsing Charts & Booklets the INside effects: How the Body Heals, volume 2

  • About | Airmeith

    Susan Green Click here to learn a little more about Susan! ​ Read More Airmeith Learn about Airmeith, and why I named my business after this auspicious lady Read More Email Based in Fulwood, Lancashire, UK Follow for daily inspiration

  • Plans & Pricing | Airmeith

    Commit to Your Healing Plans are super simple to work with! Choose your plan, and follow the prompts to set up automated payment. Book your weekly sessions - you need to LOG IN to the site, choose the session associated to your plan and at payment select to pay with the plan option. Book ALL your sessions immediately - these can be rescheduled later through your login if needed. Aggiungi termini e condizioni The Northern Star Community Group 3,50 £ £ 3,50 Ogni settimana ​ For Psychics & Light Energy Healers - Community support for the price of a cup of coffee a week. Valido fino all'annullamento Seleziona High vibe soul aligned connections A place to share what you are experiencing Advice & support from others at your intuitive level Shared information without a sales pitch Community that creates clarity Pendulum & Dowsing Community Group 3,50 £ £ 3,50 Ogni settimana ​ Learning to connect and heal with your Higher Soul guidance Valido fino all'annullamento 14 giorni di prova gratuita Seleziona Weekly awareness prompts to learn with and practice Support through questions, conversation and community Psychic awakening through targeted challenges Healing through assisted knowing what to work with Best Value Healing & health 23 £ £ 23 Ogni settimana ​ For those serious about manifesting positive change in life Valido per 8 settimane Seleziona Ongoing healing for mind, body, soul health Address those issues the Doctor just can't seem to help with A service of your choice each week for 8 weeks Included in the Healing & Health membership are: - Short Energy Session - - Relationship Healing (book through short energy session) - - Questions & Mentoring - Karuna Reiki Attunement 47 £ £ 47 Ogni mese ​ Levels 1-3 Valido per 3 mesi Seleziona Karuna Reiki Activation - level 1 Violet Flame Reiki 47,50 £ £ 47,50 Ogni mese ​ Attunement level 1 - Master Valido per 4 mesi Seleziona Attunement to Levels 1 - 4 of Violet Flame Reiki Digital certificate of attunement at each level Digital information booklet 4 sessions booked once a month Shamballa Reiki Attunement 47,50 £ £ 47,50 Ogni mese ​ Levels 1-4 Valido per 4 mesi Seleziona Attunement of Levels 1 - 4 of Shamballa Reiki Digital certificate of attunement at each level Digital information booklet 4 sessions in total booked once a month Mentoring - 1hr 47,50 £ £ 47,50 Ogni settimana ​ Weekly mentoring inclusive of energy healing Valido per 9 settimane Seleziona Weekly 1 hour mentoring for 9 weeks Assertively working through energy pathways as you learn Recorded video calls to refer back to PERFECT for energy healers wanting/needing help & clarity Psychic awakening 53 £ £ 53 Ogni settimana ​ Aligning to the source DNA blueprint of your soul Valido per 8 settimane Seleziona Awaken to psychic and divine knowing session x 1 Focusing on Psychic Organs & Senses session x 7 Option to work with Light Code Activation sessions 15 min Zoom session offered for questions £26 saving on sessions working through this plan! Ending Karmic Cycles 66,50 £ £ 66,50 Ogni settimana ​ Brilliant & powerful to step up to the next level in life Valido per 8 settimane Seleziona A service of your choice each week for 8 weeks Included in this payment plan is: - Discover Past life connections - - Discover Dietary Requirements - - Clear Generational Curses - - Chakra & Energetic Cleanse - - Extra-long Energy Session - - Long Cursed Energy - Journey into Self-Love & Awareness 400 £ £ 400 ​ ​ Receiving 4 energy & light code activations + 8 shamanic journey's into self-awareness & love Valido per 3 mesi Seleziona Clearing the fog: Focus on Psychic Organs & Senses session Activating back into your light: Amara Omni Empowerment Realising your truth: Source Consciousness Connection Return to wholeness: Angelic Lightcode Activation 8 x Journey through the Medicine Basket sessions NOTE: see sessions on site for more details (use search bar) Energy sessions & Lightcode activations - with Susan Green Medicine Basket Journeys - with Yara Gibbs Project Awakening 888 £ £ 888 ​ ​ Rebirthing the divine DNA blueprint of the soul Valido per 12 settimane Seleziona 12 weeks of sessions 12 reiki activations Mentoring via zoom INFORMATION through Menu bar option on website Scegli il tuo piano a pagamento Find what works for you!

  • Past Lives, Karma & Cursed energy | Airmeith

    TORNA AL MENU' PRINCIPALI SERVIZI Karma e purificazione dell'energia maledetta Svelare i misteri e il trauma bloccato a cui la tua anima si sta aggrappando, che è legato alle generazioni che sono venute prima di te. L'energia maledetta e il karma si tengono stretti in continua rinascita. È solo quando fai quei passi per riconoscere e risolvere che ti rendi conto di quanto "peso" hai portato. Clear Generational Curses A 90 min session - An invitation to heal family wounds 1 ora 30 minuti 74 sterline britanniche 74 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Clear Sabotaging Energy 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Discover Past Life Connections Understanding your past unlocks the keys to the future 1 ora 30 minuti 70 sterline britanniche 70 £ Prenota Scopri i piani QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique 6 ore 222 sterline britanniche 222 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Remove Cursed Magic - Short A 30 min distance session to help you get 'unstuck' in life 30 minuti 33 sterline britanniche 33 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Remove Cursed Magic - Long A 60 min session to really start creating positive energy flow in life 1 ora 63 sterline britanniche 63 £ Prenota Scopri i piani Release Earthbound Souls Helping souls to heal & cross into the light 1 ora 50 sterline britanniche 50 £ Prenota Scopri i piani

  • Plans & Pricing | Airmeith

    TORNA AL MENU' PRINCIPALI SERVIZI Piani di sessione I piani sono semplicissimi con cui lavorare! Scegli semplicemente il tuo piano e segui le istruzioni per impostare il pagamento automatico. Per prenotare la tua sessione settimanale devi ACCEDERE al sito, scegliere la sessione associata al tuo piano e a pagamento ti permetterà di selezionare di pagare con l'opzione del piano. Puoi scegliere di prenotare tutte le sessioni settimanalmente in anticipo, o prenotarle settimana dopo settimana. Scegli il tuo piano a pagamento Scegli quello adatto a te Healing & health £ 23 23£ Ogni settimana For those serious about manifesting positive change in life Valido per 8 settimane Seleziona Ongoing healing for mind, body, soul health Address those issues the Doctor just can't seem to help with A service of your choice each week for 8 weeks Included in the Healing & Health membership are: - Short Energy Session - - Relationship Healing (book through short energy session) - - Questions & Mentoring - Mentoring - 1hr £ 47,50 47,50£ Ogni settimana Weekly mentoring inclusive of energy healing Valido per 9 settimane Seleziona Weekly 1 hour mentoring for 9 weeks Assertively working through energy pathways as you learn Recorded video calls to refer back to PERFECT for energy healers wanting/needing help & clarity Psychic awakening £ 53 53£ Ogni settimana Aligning to the source DNA blueprint of your soul Valido per 8 settimane Seleziona Awaken to psychic and divine knowing session x 1 Focusing on Psychic Organs & Senses session x 7 Option to work with Light Code Activation sessions 15 min Zoom session offered for questions £26 saving on sessions working through this plan! Karuna Reiki Attunement £ 47 47£ Ogni mese Levels 1-3 Valido per 3 mesi Seleziona Karuna Reiki Activation - level 1 Violet Flame Reiki £ 47,50 47,50£ Ogni mese Attunement level 1 - Master Valido per 4 mesi Seleziona Attunement to Levels 1 - 4 of Violet Flame Reiki Digital certificate of attunement at each level Digital information booklet 4 sessions booked once a month Ending Karmic Cycles £ 66,50 66,50£ Ogni settimana Brilliant & powerful to step up to the next level in life Valido per 8 settimane Seleziona A service of your choice each week for 8 weeks Included in this payment plan is: - Discover Past life connections - - Discover Dietary Requirements - - Clear Generational Curses - - Chakra & Energetic Cleanse - - Extra-long Energy Session - - Long Cursed Energy - Journey into Self-Love & Awareness £ 400 400£ Receiving 4 energy & light code activations + 8 shamanic journey's into self-awareness & love Valido per 3 mesi Seleziona Clearing the fog: Focus on Psychic Organs & Senses session Activating back into your light: Amara Omni Empowerment Realising your truth: Source Consciousness Connection Return to wholeness: Angelic Lightcode Activation 8 x Journey through the Medicine Basket sessions NOTE: see sessions on site for more details (use search bar) Energy sessions & Lightcode activations - with Susan Green Medicine Basket Journeys - with Yara Gibbs Project Awakening £ 888 888£ Rebirthing the divine DNA blueprint of the soul Valido per 12 settimane Seleziona 12 weeks of sessions 12 reiki activations Mentoring via zoom INFORMATION through Menu bar option on website The Northern Star Community Group £ 3,50 3,50£ Ogni settimana For Psychics & Light Energy Healers - Community support for the price of a cup of coffee a week. Seleziona High vibe soul aligned connections A place to share what you are experiencing Advice & support from others at your intuitive level Shared information without a sales pitch Community that creates clarity Pendulum & Dowsing Community Group £ 3,50 3,50£ Ogni settimana Learning to connect and heal with your Higher Soul guidance 14 giorni di prova gratuita Inizia la prova gratuita Weekly awareness prompts to learn with and practice Support through questions, conversation and community Psychic awakening through targeted challenges Healing through assisted knowing what to work with Shamballa Reiki Attunement £ 47,50 47,50£ Ogni mese Levels 1-4 Valido per 4 mesi Seleziona Attunement of Levels 1 - 4 of Shamballa Reiki Digital certificate of attunement at each level Digital information booklet 4 sessions in total booked once a month

  • Blog | Airmeith

    Pendoli Return to Shop NOTA BENE: i pendoli non saranno in vendita durante i mesi di agosto e settembre a causa dell'essere fuori dal paese. Manifestazioni di interesse raccolte in questo periodo per la consegna in ottobre. ​ Individuale e unico, non esistono due pendoli uguali. Realizzato con il legno dei boschi locali, intagliato a mano e personalizzato con la tua scelta di un massimo di due simboli reiki, rune o altri simboli a tua scelta bruciati nel pendolo con cui ti sintonizzerò GRATUITAMENTE quando riceverai il tuo pendolo. ​ I piccoli pendoli sono perfetti per la rabdomanzia, la comunicazione con lo spirito, il lavoro con i grafici, il bilanciamento dei chakra, l'aura curativa e i campi energetici, creando un allineamento positivo generale nella mente, nel corpo e nell'anima. I grandi pendoli sono perfetti per lavorare con la rabdomanzia, la guarigione e l'eliminazione di energia/spiriti negativi poiché si collegano a frequenze di energia molto più elevate rispetto ai pendoli di cristallo o rame, generando così una connessione più efficiente e delicata al cambiamento che desideri per realizzare. Sono anche ideali per connettersi e rilasciare debiti e problemi karmici dalla storia della tua anima. Tutto il legno viene tagliato, modellato, levigato e rifinito con cera d'api per una bella finitura. Appeso a un occhiello a vite d'argento con cordino e piccolo manico nella parte superiore per un comodo utilizzo. Large Reiki Healing Pendulums Vista rapida Perfect in its Imperfections Large Yew Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da 24,00£ Vista rapida Large Birch Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da 30,00£ Vista rapida Large Birch Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da 30,00£ Vista rapida Perfect in its Imperfections Large Birch Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da 24,00£ Vista rapida Perfect in its Imperfections Large Oak Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da 24,00£ Vista rapida Perfect in its Imperfections Large Wooden Reiki Healing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da 24,00£ Vista rapida Large Oak Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da 30,00£ Small Runic Harmonising & Dowsing Pendulums Vista rapida Small Balancing & Dowsing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da £25,00 Vista rapida Small Balancing & Dowsing Pendulum - Betula Tree Prezzo A partire da £25,00 Vista rapida Pendolo rabdomante piccolo Prezzo A partire da £25,00 Pocket Dowsing Pendulums Vista rapida Oak Pocket Dowsing Pendulum Prezzo 13,00£ Vista rapida Ivy Pocket Dowsing Pendulum Prezzo 13,00£ Vista rapida Oak Pocket Dowsing Pendulum Prezzo 13,00£ Vista rapida Oak Wood Dowsing Pendulum Prezzo 13,00£ Powerful Pendulum Pendants Vista rapida Pendulum Pendant 10 Prezzo 26,00£ Vista rapida Pendulum Pendant 9 - Alder Prezzo 30,00£ Vista rapida Pendulum Pendant 7 - Ivy Vine Prezzo 35,00£ Vista rapida Pendulum Pendant 2 - Ash Wood Prezzo 30,00£ Australian Alpine Snow Gum Pendulums Vista rapida Alpine Snow Gum Dowsing Pendulum Prezzo 15,00£ Vista rapida Alpine Snow Gum Small Balancing & Dowsing Pendulum Prezzo A partire da 25,00£ Vista rapida Alpine Snow Gum Dowsing Pendulum Prezzo 15,00£ comments debug Commenti (2) Scrivi un commento Scrivi un commento Ordina per: Più nuovi carolinesm2th 17 nov 2022 I have the large healing pendulum and the baby pendulum and I love both of them 💖 the baby pendulum may be tiny but it's very powerful I highly recommend them 💖 Caroline 💖 Mi piace Rispondi Ospite 17 nov 2022 I have a total of 4 pendulums!❤ I love them all as they have been so amazing to use to guide my path in everyday use. I completely recommend having one. Yara Mi piace Rispondi

  • QHHT | Airmeith

    QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Facilitated by Susan Green Level 2 practitioner Embracing the Timeless Teachings of Dolores Cannon Discover the Power of QHHT to Heal Your Mind, Body, and Soul Imagine accessing the deepest parts of yourself, where profound wisdom resides, guiding you towards holistic healing. What would it mean to unlock this inner knowledge and transform your life through Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)? ​ ​ Awaken Your Divine and Psychic Potential Through QHHT, you can activate the divine and psychic aspects of your being, reaching your highest potential by connecting with your higher self. How transformative would it be to fully embrace and embody your true essence? ​ Gain Clarity and Answers to Life's Burning Questions With QHHT, you can establish a direct line of communication with your higher self, receiving clear and insightful answers to your most pressing questions. How empowering would it be to navigate life's challenges with this unparalleled guidance? Book a Discovery Session Your Soul Your Potential Your Remembrance What is QHHT? What is QHHT? Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a powerful form of hypnosis that allows individuals to access the deepest parts of their consciousness. Developed by the renowned hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, QHHT is designed to help people tap into their higher selves to achieve profound healing and insight. ​ How Does QHHT Work? During a QHHT session, Susan Green, a level 2 practitioner, will guide you into a very relaxed state, often referred to as the "theta" state. This deep level of relaxation enables you to access your subconscious mind. This is the part of the mind where you can uncover past life memories, connect with your higher self, and gain answers to your most pressing questions. What Can QHHT Do for You? Healing: QHHT can facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by uncovering the root causes of issues and releasing them. Insight: Gain profound insights into your life’s purpose, challenges, and relationships by accessing the wisdom of your higher self. Clarity: Receive clear guidance on important life decisions and find solutions to problems that have been troubling you. Transformation: Experience personal transformation by understanding and integrating lessons from past lives and your current life. Exploration: When you feel there is something that is hidden from your conscious mind, like abductions, lost memories or working with higher Galactic beings. This is a brilliant modality to explore these experiences. Why Choose QHHT? QHHT is unique because it allows you to connect directly with your higher self, a part of you that holds infinite wisdom and knowledge about your life’s journey. This connection can lead to remarkable healing and self-discovery, empowering you to live a more fulfilling and enlightened life. ​ Are you Interested & Want to Know More? Join Susan Green's free QHHT community support group Connect with others who are interested, or have already experienced a session Within this community you are invited to ask questions and gain clarity STEP 1 - Log in to the Airmeith website STEP 2 - Follow this link to Groups through the button provided below STEP 3 - Join the group and introduce yourself ​ QHHT Community Support Group What would life look like if: You could explore the facets of life that currently don't make sense to you? You could unlock the hidden wisdom to truly understand your worth? You could tap into the consciousness that guides you to what is most important for you to learn? You could experience your own higher soul guiding you? Commonly Asked Questions Can QHHT be done online via video call? No, this a strictly in person one on one session. Can I bring someone else to the session? No, it is highly recommended to come alone for confidentiality reasons and also fully opening up and being honest without hesitations or outside influences. What can I expect during a QHHT session? A typical QHHT session lasts between 4 to 6 hours. It begins with a detailed discussion about your life and the questions you want answered. The hypnosis part of the session lasts around 2 hours, during which you will be guided to explore past lives and communicate with your higher self. There is no specific time limit on this session though and when you book with Susan Green the full day is set aside in consideration of this remarkable awakening journey you are embarking on. Is QHHT safe? Yes, QHHT is a safe and natural process. You remain in control throughout the session and can stop at any time. The practitioner is there to guide and support you through the experience. Can anyone be hypnotized? Most people can be hypnotized to some degree. QHHT practitioners are trained to help clients reach the deep state of relaxation needed for the technique. It’s important to be open and willing to participate fully in the process. Do I need to believe in past lives for QHHT to work? No, you do not need to believe in past lives for QHHT to be effective. The experiences and insights gained during the session can be powerful and transformative, regardless of your beliefs. What kind of issues can QHHT help with? QHHT can help with a wide range of issues, including physical ailments, emotional challenges, spiritual questions, hidden memories, and life direction. Many clients report significant healing and clarity after their sessions. How many QHHT sessions will I need? Many clients find that one session is very powerful and provides the answers and healing they seek. However, some people choose to have additional sessions to explore deeper or address other issues. How should I prepare for a QHHT session? To prepare for a QHHT session, it’s helpful to: Come with an open mind and a willingness to explore. Write down a list of questions or issues you’d like to address during the session. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs for at least 24 hours before the session. Wear comfortable clothing and ensure you have enough time to relax after the session. When you book a session you will receive a document that is emailed to you with a full outline around preparing for your session and advice on asking questions. I have a disability, are there ground level facilities? Although the session can be done on the ground floor, the toilet facilities are on the second floor. ​ What happens after a QHHT session? After a QHHT session, you may feel relaxed and enlightened. Many clients experience ongoing healing and clarity as they integrate the insights gained during the session. It’s a good idea to rest and reflect on your experience. Book a Discovery Session Do you have another question? You can ask it here. First Name Last Name Email Message Submit Thanks, I will respond in the next 48 hours!

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