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- Psychic awakening | Airmeith
VOLVER AL MENÚ PRINCIPAL DE SERVICIOS Despertar psíquico La alegría de vivir y experimentar la vida a TODO color mientras despiertas a través de tu verdad psíquica y divina. Hay muchos caminos y aspectos de conexión y activación en eso. Estas sesiones son profundas e impactantes en lo que ofrecen, todas únicas canalizadas para usted personalmente. Focusing on Psychic Organs & Senses A path to awakening a clearer psychic connection Leer más 1 h 50 libras esterlinas 50 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Awaken to Psychic & Divine Knowing Invitation to expand your divine consciousness into your higher truth Leer más 1 h 100 libras esterlinas 100 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Journey through the Medicine Basket 1 -1 session with Yara Gibbs, Shamanic Medicine Woman Leer más 30 min Reservar ahora Explorar planes
- Inspirational quotes | Airmeith
Citas de inspiración ¡Invocando el pensamiento y la inspiración! La mayoría de photography e ilustraciones en esta página son mías. Para más de este estilo de trabajo, enlace a mi página de Facebook de fotografía aquí hasta que el sitio web esté activo o en Instagram si lo prefiere aquí . Haga clic en una imagen para verla en tamaño completo.
- Project Awakening | Airmeith
Proyecto Despertar Es hora de inspirarse ¡Sí por favor! Almas decididas queriendo más, Esta oferta es para ti... 12 semanas 12 activaciones de memoria CÓDIGO DE LUZ tutoría TODO PERSONALIZADO PARA TI Directo y verdadero, al grano, en el profundo despertar energético de tu fuente de luz, tu fuerza vital, tu alineación con el modelo de tu alma que te conecta para existir en un espacio de expansión. Se trata de salir de la ilusión, de experimentar que tu alma se libera de las redes estancadas y se integra de nuevo en tu verdad divina de alta frecuencia FUENTE donde recuerdas tus dones divinos y psíquicos orgánicamente, y en eso abrazas el camino, paso a paso hacia la vida. tu mejor vida + La tutoría necesaria para comprender, fluir e integrarse en ese espacio de su forma más verdadera a medida que renace y se recuerda en unidad dando dirección para avanzar de manera proactiva. esto resuena conmigo ESTO ES PERSONAL Un viaje de atemporalidad Es un viaje único para ti. No es una clase preprogramada. Es guiado por tu propio ser superior y equipos divinos contigo, a través de mí. un viaje de amor Es un viaje para reconocer el miedo y permitirte dejarlo ir. Es entender el 'por qué' de los ciclos estancados de la vida que limitan y liberarse Un viaje para recordar Es una unión de diferentes modalidades de curación que se complementan de una manera que permite el cambio, el cambio y la transición hacia algo 'más'. Despertando las Semillas del Alma 01 APROVECHA LA OPORTUNIDAD 02 ACTIVAR A TRAVÉS DE SESIONES SEMANALES 03 APRENDE, FLUYE & CONVERTIRSE EN 04 RECUERDA LA SABIDURÍA QUE HAY DENTRO Liberando la ilusión a medida que te vuelves completo en tu regreso a la unidad ¿Qué está involucrado? Activación de códigos de luz a redes de energía de alta frecuencia cada semana durante 12 semanas que optimizan el despertar de tu alma en el futuro Aprendiendo a trabajar con frecuencias de asistencia transformacionales Uso de tonos y frecuencias de sonido Técnicas de visualización y meditación. Incorporación de gráficos de curación y radiestesia de péndulo para una mayor conciencia. Conexión a tierra en nueva energía a medida que su conciencia y conciencia se expanden Activación de memoria a través del código fuente de luz Entendiendo las técnicas de sanación con cristales Reconociendo los signos del espíritu Usar runas y ogham para crear cambios y cambios positivos Entendiendo vidas pasadas y las influencias que tienen en el presente Trabajar con ángeles, antepasados, espíritus animales y más Ningún sueño es demasiado grande, cuando entiendes que la ABUNDANCIA es tu derecho de nacimiento Estoy listo
- Holistic energy healing | Airmeith
Servicio mundial de sanación en línea WELCOME I am Susan Green I am a Psychic Medium & Energy Healer I am a Creator of Spiritual Tools I invite you to explore possibilities offered here at Airmeith and enlighten your soul with what I have to graciously, and affordably offer. Learn more about Susan Start here with a Consult Start here! BOOK HERE A consult is a great place to start! This is a remote service, you do not need to be present on the day. Book your session Provide me with an outline of what you are experiencing, or wanting to connect to. I do an energy reading of the influences contributing. I email you a report with an outline of sessions moving forward. That easy! Past Life Regression QHHT LEARN MORE Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique A powerful technique of past life regression that unlocks hidden wisdom and healing. This service is only offered for in person sessions in Preston, UK. Free Spirit Animal Guide Free Download Connect more intuitively with the Spirits Animals. Download this 48 animal cheat sheet, and receive a discount code for the insightful Messenger Animals Oracle Deck. YES PLEASE! Reiki Activation Services Chakra & Timed Energy Sessions Lightcode Memory Activations Past Life & Generational Healing Mentoring & Questions Tarot & Soul Readings Psychic Developement EXPLORE MORE SACRED SERVICE OFFERINGS A GIFT, FROM MY HEART TO YOUR ENLIGHTENED JOURNEY SERVICE PLANS ARE AN AFFORDABLE OPTION PRODUCTS TO PURCHASE ENLIGHTEN YOUR JOURNEY WITH THESE SACRED TOOLS OF SPIRIT Large Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Energy Harmonising & Balancing Pendulums Dowsing with Charts & Spirit Pendulums Messenger Animals Oracle Deck Pendulum Dowsing Charts & Booklets the INside effects: How the Body Heals, volume 2
- About | Airmeith
Susan Green Click here to learn a little more about Susan! Read More Airmeith Learn about Airmeith, and why I named my business after this auspicious lady Read More Email Based in Fulwood, Lancashire, UK Follow for daily inspiration
- Mentoring sessions | Airmeith
VOLVER AL MENÚ PRINCIPAL DE SERVICIOS Sesiones de grupo Estas son sesiones de grupo, Haga clic en la sesión que le interesa para obtener detalles sobre el tiempo, la duración y el tamaño de las clases. Puedes reservar como particular. SI la clase no cumple con los requisitos mínimos, se reprogramará. Learn Dowsing Basic starting out to advancing knowledge, usage & efficiency of tool Leer más 1 h 50 libras esterlinas 50 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Questions & Mentoring 30 min mentoring or questions session Leer más 30 min 25 libras esterlinas 25 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Keys to EMPOWER you 60 min mentoring session Leer más 1 h 50 libras esterlinas 50 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes
- Dowsing Charts | Airmeith
Gráficos de radiestesia Una forma fantástica de entender lo que está oculto, un camino para sanar heridas emocionales, físicas, de relación y psíquicas (solo por nombrar algunas cosas), para salir de los ciclos kármicos destructivos y caóticos que te frenan. Todos los gráficos funcionan juntos a través de un índice principal, O utilícelos por separado en el área de su elección. Soporte y aprendizaje de por vida ofrecidos a través de un grupo de Facebook dedicado. NOTA: No hay reembolsos por productos digitales Go Back to Shop Ordenar por NEW IN STORE Vista rápida Predicting Timelines Pendulum Dowsing Chart Precio 4,44£ Agregar al carrito NEW IN STORE Vista rápida Manifesting Timeframes Pendulum Dowsing Chart Precio 3,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Chakra Balancing Pendulum Dowsing Chart Precio 1,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Percentage with Yes, No, Rephrase option Pendulum Dowsing Chart Precio 1,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Alphabet Chart Precio 0,50£ Agregar al carrito NEW IN STORE Vista rápida Channelling Energy, Spirit & Consciousness Precio 1,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Oracle & Tarot reading support, clarity & guidance - Pendulum Dowsing Book Precio 6,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Abordar los problemas del sueño Folleto de la radiestesia del péndulo Precio 12,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Archangels Dowsing Chart Precio 1,00£ Agregar al carrito NEW IN STORE Vista rápida Blank templates - make your own dowsing charts Precio 17,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Basic Body Healing Pendulum Dowsing Booklet Precio 9,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Folleto de radiestesia del péndulo de salud de Chakra Precio 7,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Crossing Earthbound Souls - Folleto de radiestesia pendular Precio 12,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Cerrando portales oscuros - libro de radiestesia pendular Precio 8,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Combat Negative Entities & Attachments Pendulum Dowsing Booklet Precio 8,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Descubre la tabla de radiestesia del péndulo de la verdad de tu alma Precio 6,00£ Agregar al carrito CUSTOMISE Vista rápida Servicios de creación de cartas de radiestesia Precio Desde 2,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Guidance - yes, no and a whole lot more! Precio 1,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Healing Emotional Wounds Pendulum Dowsing Booklet Precio 15,00£ Agregar al carrito Vista rápida Healing and Aligning the Skeletal System Pendulum Dowsing Booklet Precio 8,00£ Agregar al carrito Cargar más comments debug Comentarios (2) Escribe un comentario Escribe un comentario Sort by: Newest Tammy Feb 04, 2023 I am loving these charts. I have recently picked up dowsing and even though I am still figuring out my own way and style, working with these charts has come very naturally and easily. They contain so much information about health issues, spirituality and are very empowering to resolve blockages in the various areas of life. Very excited to learn more through Susan's dowsing Facebook group :) Like Responder Susan Green Administrador Mar 21, 2023 Replying to Tammy Thank you for this beautiful review Tammy. It is a learning curve and I am so happy to be a part of that with you! Like Responder
- QHHT - Past Life Regression | Airmeith
QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Facilitated by Susan Green Level 2 practitioner Embracing the Timeless Teachings of Dolores Cannon Discover the Power of QHHT to Heal Your Mind, Body, and Soul Imagine accessing the deepest parts of yourself, where profound wisdom resides, guiding you towards holistic healing. What would it mean to unlock this inner knowledge and transform your life through Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)? Awaken Your Divine and Psychic Potential Through QHHT, you can activate the divine and psychic aspects of your being, reaching your highest potential by connecting with your higher self. How transformative would it be to fully embrace and embody your true essence? Gain Clarity and Answers to Life's Burning Questions With QHHT, you can establish a direct line of communication with your higher self, receiving clear and insightful answers to your most pressing questions. How empowering would it be to navigate life's challenges with this unparalleled guidance? Book a Discovery Session Your Soul Your Potential Your Remembrance What is QHHT? What is QHHT? Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a powerful form of past life hypnosis that allows individuals to access the deepest parts of their consciousness. Developed by the renowned hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, QHHT is designed to help people tap into their higher selves to achieve profound healing and insight. How Does QHHT Work? During a QHHT session, Susan Green, a level 2 practitioner, will guide you into a very relaxed state, often referred to as the "theta" state. This deep level of relaxation enables you to access your subconscious mind. This is the part of the mind where you can uncover past life memories, connect with your higher self, and gain answers to your most pressing questions. What Can QHHT Do for You? Healing: QHHT can facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by uncovering the root causes of issues and releasing them. Insight: Gain profound insights into your life’s purpose, challenges, and relationships by accessing the wisdom of your higher self. Clarity: Receive clear guidance on important life decisions and find solutions to problems that have been troubling you. Transformation: Experience personal transformation by understanding and integrating lessons from past lives and your current life. Exploration: When you feel there is something that is hidden from your conscious mind, like abductions, lost memories or working with higher Galactic beings. This is a brilliant modality to explore these experiences. Why Choose QHHT? QHHT is unique because it allows you to connect directly with your higher self, a part of you that holds infinite wisdom and knowledge about your life’s journey. This connection can lead to remarkable healing and self-discovery, empowering you to live a more fulfilling and enlightened life. Are you Interested & Want to Know More? Join Susan Green's free QHHT community support group Connect with others who are interested, or have already experienced a session Within this community you are invited to ask questions and gain clarity STEP 1 - Log in to the Airmeith website STEP 2 - Follow this link to Groups through the button provided below STEP 3 - Join the group and introduce yourself QHHT Community Support Group What would life look like if: You could explore the facets of life that currently don't make sense to you? You could unlock the hidden wisdom to truly understand your worth? You could tap into the consciousness that guides you to what is most important for you to learn? You could experience your own higher soul guiding you? Commonly Asked Questions Can QHHT be done online via video call? No, this a strictly in person one on one session. What is the cost of a QHHT session with Susan? The cost of a session is £222, your journey into this booking starts with a free 15 minute discovery call - BOOK HERE Can I bring someone else to the session? No, it is highly recommended to come alone for confidentiality reasons and also fully opening up and being honest without hesitations or outside influences. What can I expect during a QHHT session? A typical QHHT session lasts between 4 to 6 hours. It begins with a detailed discussion about your life and the questions you want answered. The hypnosis part of the session lasts around 2 hours, during which you will be guided to explore past lives and communicate with your higher self. There is no specific time limit on this session though and when you book with Susan Green the full day is set aside in consideration of this remarkable awakening journey you are embarking on. Is QHHT safe? Yes, QHHT is a safe and natural process. You remain in control throughout the session and can stop at any time. The practitioner is there to guide and support you through the experience. Can anyone be hypnotized? Most people can be hypnotized to some degree. QHHT practitioners are trained to help clients reach the deep state of relaxation needed for the technique. It’s important to be open and willing to participate fully in the process. Do I need to believe in past lives for QHHT to work? No, you do not need to believe in past lives for QHHT to be effective. The experiences and insights gained during the session can be powerful and transformative, regardless of your beliefs. What kind of issues can QHHT help with? QHHT can help with a wide range of issues, including physical ailments, emotional challenges, spiritual questions, hidden memories, and life direction. Many clients report significant healing and clarity after their sessions. How many QHHT sessions will I need? Many clients find that one session is very powerful and provides the answers and healing they seek. However, some people choose to have additional sessions to explore deeper or address other issues. How should I prepare for a QHHT session? To prepare for a QHHT session, it’s helpful to: Come with an open mind and a willingness to explore. Write down a list of questions or issues you’d like to address during the session. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs for at least 24 hours before the session. Wear comfortable clothing and ensure you have enough time to relax after the session. When you book a session you will receive a document that is emailed to you with a full outline around preparing for your session and advice on asking questions. I have a disability, are there ground level facilities? Although the session can be done on the ground floor, the toilet facilities are on the second floor. What happens after a QHHT session? After a QHHT session, you may feel relaxed and enlightened. Many clients experience ongoing healing and clarity as they integrate the insights gained during the session. It’s a good idea to rest and reflect on your experience. Book a Discovery Session Do you have another question? You can ask it here. First Name Last Name Email Message Submit Thanks, I will respond in the next 48 hours!
- Testimonials | Airmeith
- Oracle decks | Airmeith
Return to Shop ALL THINGS ORACLE DECKY Discover the power of 5D consciousness with Susan Green's unique, hand-crafted oracle decks and dowsing charts, designed to elevate your spiritual journey and personal growth. Each deck is lovingly created to channel higher frequencies, offering profound insights that resonate with your soul's divine purpose. Paired with the unique dowsing charts, you can deepen your connection to divine guidance, accessing layers of wisdom and clarity that align with your highest potential. Whether you're seeking answers, healing, or transformation, these tools will support you in awakening to your limitless potential and creating a life in flow with your true souls purpose. Vista rápida Oracle Guidance Complete Bundle Precio 63,10£ Vista rápida Oracle Card Reflection Stand Precio 2,20£ Vista rápida Card-a-Day: 99 Empowerment Cards Precio 21,99£ Vista rápida Messenger Animals Oracle - Pendulum Dowsing book Precio 8,00£ Vista rápida Oracle & Tarot reading support, clarity & guidance - Pendulum Dowsing Book Precio 6,00£ Vista rápida Messenger Animals Oracle Deck Precio 28,95£ comments debug Comentarios Escribe un comentario Escribe un comentario Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment.
- Online holistic healing services | Airmeith
SACRED HEALING SERVICES SERVICIOS DE CONSULTA ¡Este es el lugar perfecto para comenzar! Reserve una consulta para comprender exactamente qué servicios necesita reservar para sus necesidades PLANES DE SERVICIO Los planes de servicio ofrecen un camino de curación, tutoría o desarrollo psíquico a un precio con descuento DESARROLLO PSÍQUICO Si está trabajando en el desarrollo psíquico, una mayor claridad personal y una alineación intuitiva para vivir más plenamente, esta es la sección para usted. SESIONES DE GRUPO Clases en línea Grupos pequeños para aprender habilidades que lo ayuden a avanzar y convertirse en una progresividad asertiva Tenga en cuenta que se aplican tamaños mínimos de clase REIKI ATTUNEMENTS Worldwide service for remote Reiki Activations. 'When one wishes to be of service to the greater community, one must first awaken the light within.' Reiki is a powerful attunement that brings divine expansion of the soul's light. It awakens the thoughts, ideas and concepts that exist in unity and wholeness with the Universal flow of love. EQUILIBRIO DE CHAKRAS Y SESIONES TEMPORIZADAS Reserva aquí sesiones por tiempos de 15min, 30min, 60min o 90 min. Aquí hay algo para todos, desde limpieza, curación hasta activación de su campo de energía. Es su intención que trabaje para su propósito superior y resultados óptimos. SESIONES DE KARMA Y ENERGÍA MALDITA Maldita energía, ya sea generacional o ligada a tu alma, puedo ayudarte a través de estas sesiones. Trabajando a través de la energía de su fuente de luz, a través de las líneas ancestrales del pasado y el presente, trabajo con equipos en espíritu para eliminar estos pesados bloqueos que les impiden vivir plenamente de tantas maneras diferentes. LECTURA DE CARTAS DE ORACLE Y TAROT Lecturas básicas para profundizar y lecturas del alma. Este es el lugar para usted si está buscando una lectura personal o compartida con otra persona para comprender las influencias en la vida que son pasadas, presentes y/o futuras. ACTIVACIÓN DE LA MEMORIA DEL CÓDIGO DE LUCES Iniciaciones de reiki a distancia Crea una luz interior profunda que 'nivela' la capacidad de vivir consciente y asertivamente para crear la vida que quieres vivir. Perfecto para aquellos que desean curarse a sí mismos o estar al servicio de los demás en la conciencia de pureza del amor. Anchor 1
- Consults | Airmeith
VOLVER AL MENÚ PRINCIPAL DE SERVICIOS Consultas Puede ser confuso saber por dónde empezar y qué reservar. Reservar una sesión de consulta me permite hacer una lectura básica de su energía asociada con el 'por qué', su intención de lo que necesita en este momento y luego recomendar las sesiones y el costo en el futuro. Las consultas se realizan de forma remota con un informe enviado por correo electrónico a menos que los detalles específicos de la sesión indiquen lo contrario. 15-Minute QHHT Discovery Call Explore the Transformative Power of QHHT Leer más 15 min Free Service Free Service Reservar ahora Explorar planes 15-Minute Meet Susan Meet and greet, lets have a chat Leer más 15 min Free Service Free Service Reservar ahora Explorar planes Abundance & Expansion in Life Consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Awakening through Higher-Self Consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Body Image Consult This is an emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Clear Generational Trauma Consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Cosmic Kids & Lightworkers In depth consult: invitation to understand your divine energy better Leer más 30 min 22 libras esterlinas 22 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Discover Dietary Requirements I am a medical medium, I will help you recognise & heal intolerances Leer más 1 h 30 min 70 libras esterlinas 70 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Earthbound Souls Consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Exorcism Consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Healing your Pet Consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Illness consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Mind, Body & Soul Consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Pre-paid Services Book here ONLY if you have prepaid or won a service Leer más 30 min Free Service Free Service Reservar ahora Explorar planes Psychic Potential Unleashed Consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Reconnect - Divine Feminine Consult This is an emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes What's going on with my child? Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes Past Lives consult Emailed consult Leer más 30 min 6 libras esterlinas 6 GBP Reservar ahora Explorar planes