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67 Ergebnisse gefunden für „“

  • Pre-paid Services

    Please book here if you have prepaid or won a free service. In the notes section please comment what service it is that you have prepaid for or won, thankyou!

  • Discover Dietary Requirements

    Food causes so many of us so much anguish, pain, brain-fog, fatigue, weight issues and the list goes on, many do not even realise the full extent of what the foods they eat are doing to their body. Learning this session on ME first, many years back was the first massive step in healing from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. Honestly life changing. Intolerance's & allergies do so much to our bodies, when you know EXACTLY what it is your body needs & what it is that it doesn't need you have then taken the first step forward in empowering yourself to heal. That's where I can help. Work with me as I recognise YOUR specific needs and receive a comprehensive list of foods to avoid, what they are doing to you and what your body is craving/deficient in. Where possible I will also HEAL your intolerance's/allergies .... This can be life changing! Do not hesitate, book or inquire now, understand the source of the food issues and you honestly will change your life.

  • Natures Medicinal Lightcode Activation

    This is activating the frequency and resonance which expands consciousness into understanding plants, herbs, and the trees and energy vibration working through the gifts that Gaia offers, the divine plant realm! This is a brilliant activation if you want to develop a deeper resonance and flow with plants, trees, oils, and herbs in any form. You may be an energy worker wanting to expand through these energies to help heal yourself or others, perhaps you work with tinctures, making soaps, organic perfumes, dried herbs and the list goes on. Perhaps you love cooking and would like a better intuitive understanding of flavours to invent that something spectacular. You may be inspired by the frequency of nature and see it at other dimensional levels, and in that space draw, create and bring inspiration to self and others. This activation allows a deep connection through remembrance, it networks your frequency to the knowing that opens you to channel information and exist in the awareness of what is needed to take your unique connection to plants and align it to your higher purpose. You will work more fluently and intuitively through the source evolutionary consciousness of all that is the plant realm, to take the way you exist with plants, into the next level.

  • Energy Healing - Extra Long

    You choose - distance or through video chat connection. If you would like to connect we do so at the end of your session, I will let you know when I have completed reading and working through your energy and open to talk with you at that point. This is form of healing the body on all levels of mind, body and soul, of past present and future. It is so remarkably effective for anyone who is open to alternative treatments from the harsh reality of subscription medication & surgery. Energy healing (REIKI) helps with all health problems - emotional, mental & physical. It works to unblock & heal the psychic, emotional, auric & physical body to promote ultimate well being. The possibilities really are unlimited. If you would like to see how this style of healing can assist you please contact me directly. This is a journey of the soul where we work through every session to activate your authentic light codes and align you back to your source blueprint. The ideal freedom of your soul to exist limitlessly is not just a dream!

  • Questions & Mentoring can be tricky, confusing & sometimes just plain exciting but with so much going on & an awareness of wanting to follow your highest good but not hearing or sensing exactly what that is, perhaps you just need some help to clarify. A fantastic session for mentoring in business to understand influences and direction to go, to connect to what you are perhaps not hearing yourself. Find expansion and growth through knowing the path forward. I can also help you to connect to a loved one that has crossed already for information and guidance, for putting your own mind at ease. Book a time to chat, I am a gifted psychic and this session I will share exclusively with you all insight that I am blessed with from your Angels, Guides & the great Divine as we talk. Ask as many questions as you like in 30 minutes! I look forward to helping you on this journey & really aspire to have you step forth with confidence and clarity from here. NOTE: This session can be done via video chat OR by emailing me your questions.

  • Energy Healing - Mini Session

    This is a short 15 min distance energy service for those of you who want to work to connect to something more, what is it for you? A fantastic way to just clear and align, consider this as small steps lead to big change! What is your intention: Good health? Intuitive knowing? Inner peace and clarity? Positive relationships? Psychic connection? Addiction? Phobias? Other options include healing your eyes, opening pathways to greater abundance, clearing deeper ongoing issues that align moods, temper, self-sabotage, sadness, despair, loss and more. If you are thinking it then we can create paths to work with it. Find pathways through past life alignment and clearing the issues that keep repeating. Whatever it is for you the possibilities are limitless, working through single sessions or a prepaid plan to open to weekly mini sessions to slowly help align you to your goals. Intentions can be updated weekly, you put forth what your goals or I can work intuitively for you. NOTE: A report will be emailed at the end of the session to let you know what I saw and cleared

  • Clear Sabotaging Energy

    Forgo any further pain knowing that you are creating your own blocks and lack of progress due to sabotaging energy and behaviours. This session breaks down, from the source point, the reason WHY you are stuck, or experiencing the things you do. Decide today that this is your time to start moving forward and work with me to release all the underlying energies that are making it decidedly difficult for you to manifest some abundance into your life. This appointment is only for those wanting to make a difference and assertively turn their life around.

  • Karuna Reiki Activation - level 2

    Level 2 Karuna reiki attunement: pre-requisite, level 1 Karuna attunement A path of awakening through the crown chakra, the higher self and light codes forming that will open the mind in the physical sense to receive more freely the information and communication through psychic and divine pathways. This is the path for you if you are looking to release the heaviness of karma, of blockages and stagnancy that have enslaved you mind body or soul and to reconnect to the divine elements and realms where you can exist timelessly in a return to wholeness Level 2 activation purifies through ancestral / evolutionary resistance to embark on awakening deeper aspects of self where light codes that bring healing to self, and activate to heal others, are opened to more freely access the time space continuum. This is connecting you to a greater awakening of the wisdom that lay within so you may embark on your personal unique soul's purpose in this life. You will receive a digital certificate from this session

  • Spiritual Money Consciousness

    This activation opens you to journey through the divine consciousness of what is 'money'. In doing so we are able to repair through the collective energy that is and has been your journey to this point and allow a unification and optimisation back into the high frequency grids that are distorted or fragmented, impacting the separation you currently experience. Oneness and wholeness comes in many forms. To be aligned in divine source truth, the blueprint of your higher purpose, united with spiritual money consciousness that is 'in circulation' (optimal flow of receiving and giving) within the collective field is a powerful force that not only brings personal, but also professional, prosperity when it is aligned with your higher purpose. This session is about rebirthing through the energetic webs of consciousness connecting into and through what is past present and future. A deconstruction of the wounded and resistant energy that brings the embodiment of dynamic reconnection to expansion, free will, divine purpose and inspired action. Awareness awakens that allows you to see and understand. The collective life force aligns with you so the opportunities presenting, aligned to personal awareness, create change connecting you to new visions of purpose that bring that prosperity forth. This is NOT a magic trick, it is NOT an overnight get rich quick scheme. This is an alignment and activation of oneness and wholeness of your divine higher purpose intimately energised through spiritual money consciousness. The purity of your truth bringing prosperity in divine alignment to you.

  • Body Image Consult

    This is an emailed report that is help you recognise the influences held in your personal and shared karma that impact on the way you look and feel about yourself. If you have been struggling with weight stability, feeling confident within your own skin or finding your authentic groove to embrace life in the way you look, communicate and connect with the outside world, then this is for you. This session outlines what I see and feel is impacting as to where the potential blocks and resistance is coming from and what sessions to book to resolve them. You receive a written report to refer to for a positive path forward through step by step action.

  • Learn Dowsing

    Learn to connect to your higher self and access information you don't realise you even know! This is so useful for anyone that is: - Connecting to spirit to help them communicate - Learning to use dowsing charts to create more beneficial release and healing - Help with day to day thoughts & questions & making decisions that are for YOUR highest good - Advancing and refining the knowledge you have to grow and evolve - Waking your psychic potential - Your imagination in using this tool are really the only limits here! Work with me one on one learning how to protect yourself from harm and maximise your learning curve to use this tool for what you specifically need. This session can be used by absolute beginners through to advancement of knowledge for more complicated healing and alignment working with charts and higher frequencies, we can discuss prior what your needs are and how to utilise this time to efficiently fit that

  • Amara Omni Empowerment

    This is an activation of the life force and source of 'you'. This session resets the evolutionary consciousness within the light codes to effortlessly integrate with the present self. It expands communication pathways through creating a high frequency network of energy that promotes light and life force into and through the physical, metaphysical and energetic aspects of all you are and do. This is a timeless connection back to inner wisdom This is a gentle integration of remembering who you are This is awakening ideas and thoughts that effortlessly become inspired action This is a return to wholeness You are opening the soul to navigate the divine potent potential of your own truth and empower through that into this life. Recognise the value you hold as a unique individual. Through that recognition open doors to magnetise the reality of living abundantly mind, body and soul. This empowered sense of self helps to step out of limiting belief structures because you not only have the ideas and sense of something more, you fully FEEL it in all you are and do. This is a truly beautiful activation of deep inner truth and soul wisdom.

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