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Services (68)

  • Energy Healing - Short

    This is a distance session with an emailed report This is a gentle form of healing the body on all levels and is so remarkably effective for anyone who is open to alternative treatments from the harsh reality of subscription medication & surgery. Energy healing (REIKI) helps with all health problems - emotional, mental & physical. It works to unblock & heal the psychic, emotional, auric & physical body to promote ultimate well being. The possibilities really are unlimited. You can book this session direct or start with a consult session for an energy reading and plan for the path forward in line with your intention to heal.

  • Keys to EMPOWER you

    This is an hour long session that is to empower you. Together I help you learn what you need through different techniques that you feel comfortable using to empower your path forward. Each session is worked around what you need, how you can understand it using different energies that are accessible at little to no cost. When you are ready to move out of where you are, to align energetically to the divine frequencies of the universe so you are able to thrive and manifest the life you want to live, then this is for you. I work with all experience levels. - What do you need to be stepping into the expansion you want to see in yourself? - How do you need to diversify the way you do things to achieve? I am here for you, to show you the path through what I have learnt, what I recognise through psychic nudges and information that comes through as we work together. You have the opportunity to ask unlimited questions, to walk through complete healing session processes together and to truly grasp the concepts needed for you to feel empowered to push forward in a space that is encouraging, understanding and nurturing in the guidance you receive. Possible, but not limited to, healing modalities I work with: - Oneness and mindfulness practice - Assisting frequencies and water bending - Reiki techniques - Light energy techniques associated with: - Quantum and dimensional healing - DNA and holographic blueprint healing - Evolving potential through consciousness expansion techniques - Protecting your space, your energy field - Soul purpose activation

  • Clear Generational Curses

    Is there a heaviness that blocks the flow of positive energy through your ancestral line inflicting physical, emotional and/or mental illness, loss of abundance, of connection to Spirit and creating problems with family disharmony and separation. This session is MASSIVE in what it helps to release and shift, to create beneficial change and to put a stop to those hereditary issues, the manipulations and loss that plague you. Take a moment to stop justifying all the 'bad luck' in your family life. If you are ready to truly see and understand what is going on then I highly recommend this session for you. If you are wanting to explore this option but are not sure if it is for you, then email me with an inquiry, we can then discuss if this service would be beneficial for you and in what way. Note: if you wish to provide a family chart with this session it can be helpful to better understand where the energy is sourcing from

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Andre sider (53)

  • Holistic energy healing | Airmeith

    Susan, of Airmeith Holistic Health, offers online mentoring and world wide services that include psychic readings, energy healing, QHHT, and more creating profound changes and shift in your day to day mind body and soul alignment. In store she offers uniquely crafted tools of spirit to empower your journey. Dowsing charts, penudlums, oracle decks, tote bags, books and more. Verdensomspændende Online Healing Service WELCOME I am Susan Green I am a Psychic Medium & Energy Healer I am a Creator of Spiritual Tools I invite you to explore possibilities offered here at Airmeith and enlighten your soul with what I have to graciously, and affordably offer. Learn more about Susan Start here with a Consult Start here! BOOK HERE A consult is a great place to start! This is a remote service, you do not need to be present on the day. Book your session Provide me with an outline of what you are experiencing, or wanting to connect to. I do an energy reading of the influences contributing. I email you a report with an outline of sessions moving forward. That easy! Past Life Regression QHHT LEARN MORE Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique A powerful technique of past life regression that unlocks hidden wisdom and healing. This service is only offered for in person sessions in Preston, UK. Free Spirit Animal Guide Free Download Connect more intuitively with the Spirits Animals. Download this 48 animal cheat sheet, and receive a discount code for the insightful Messenger Animals Oracle Deck. YES PLEASE! Reiki Activation Services Chakra & Timed Energy Sessions Lightcode Memory Activations Past Life & Generational Healing Mentoring & Questions Tarot & Soul Readings Psychic Developement EXPLORE MORE SACRED SERVICE OFFERINGS A GIFT, FROM MY HEART TO YOUR ENLIGHTENED JOURNEY SERVICE PLANS ARE AN AFFORDABLE OPTION PRODUCTS TO PURCHASE ENLIGHTEN YOUR JOURNEY WITH THESE SACRED TOOLS OF SPIRIT Large Wood Reiki Healing Pendulum Energy Harmonising & Balancing Pendulums Dowsing with Charts & Spirit Pendulums Messenger Animals Oracle Deck Pendulum Dowsing Charts & Booklets the INside effects: How the Body Heals, volume 2

  • Bundle Deals | Airmeith

    Bringing brilliant savings on premium crafted product deals through bundle purchases. Penduler Return to Shop BEMÆRK VENLIGST: Penduler vil ikke være til salg i august og september måneder på grund af at være ude af landet. Interessetilkendegivelser taget gennem dette tidspunkt til levering i oktober. Individuelt og unikt, ikke to pendler er ens. Lavet af det lokale skovtræ, håndskåret og personligt med dit valg af op til to reiki, runer eller andre symboler efter eget valg brændt ind i pendulet, som jeg vil tilpasse dig GRATIS, når du modtager dit pendel. De små pendler er perfekte til dowsing, kommunikation med ånd, arbejde med diagrammer, balancering af chakraer, healing af aura- og energifelter, og skaber overordnet positiv justering i sind, krop og sjæl. De store pendler er perfekte til at arbejde med dowsing, healing og rensning af negativ energi/ånder, da de forbinder sig til meget højere energifrekvenser end krystal- eller kobberpendler, hvilket giver en mere effektiv og blid forbindelse til den forandring, du ønsker. at få til at ske. De er også ideelle til at forbinde til og frigøre karmisk gæld og problemer fra din sjæls historie. Alt træ er skåret, formet, slebet og afsluttet med bivoks for en smuk finish. Hængt i et sølvskrueøje med snor og lille håndtag øverst for brugbar komfort. Bundle Savings Hurtigvisning Soul Aligned Pendulum Charts Bundle: Guidance, Harmony, and Clarity Pris £3,50 Hurtigvisning Healing Pendulum Charts Bundle: Natural Health, Body Restoration, Sleep Harmony Pris £30,60 SAVE 15% Hurtigvisning Tarot, and Oracle Card Pendulum Dowsing Bundle to Enhance Spiritual Awareness Pris £11,90 Hurtigvisning Manifestation & Prediction Bundle - Amulet & Dowsing Chart Bundle Pris £9,99 Hurtigvisning Oracle Guidance Complete Bundle Pris £63,10 comments debug Kommentarer Skriv en kommentar Skriv en kommentar Share Your Thoughts Be the first to write a comment.

  • Online holistic healing services | Airmeith

    Book online with Susan for a variety of services including Energy healing, QHHT, Psychic services, Healing illness (physical, mental & emotional), and Card readings. Check out her online store for tools of spirit made to empower your personal journey, including dowsing charts, pendulums, Oracle decks and books. SACRED HEALING SERVICES KONSULT TJENESTER Dette er det perfekte sted at starte! Book en konsultation for at forstå præcis, hvilke tjenester du skal bestille til dine behov SERVICEPLANER Serviceplaner tilbyder en vej til healing, mentoring eller psykisk udvikling til en nedsat pris PSYKISK UDVIKLING Hvis du arbejder på psykisk udvikling, højere selvklarhed og intuitiv tilpasning til at leve mere fuldt ud, så er dette afsnittet for dig GRUPPE SESSIONER Online klasser Små grupper for at lære færdigheder, der hjælper dig med at træde op og ind i selvsikker progressivitet Bemærk venligst, at minimum klassestørrelser gælder REIKI ATTUNEMENTS Worldwide service for remote Reiki Activations. 'When one wishes to be of service to the greater community, one must first awaken the light within.' Reiki is a powerful attunement that brings divine expansion of the soul's light. It awakens the thoughts, ideas and concepts that exist in unity and wholeness with the Universal flow of love. CHAKRA BALANCE OG TIMERDE SESSIONER Book sessioner her for tider på 15 min, 30 min, 60 min eller 90 min. Noget for alle her, lige fra clearing, healing til aktivering af dit energifelt. Det er din hensigt, at jeg arbejder for dit højere formål og optimale resultater. KARMA & FORBANDET ENERGI SESSIONER Forbandet energi, hvad enten det er generationsbestemt eller bundet til din sjæl, jeg kan hjælpe gennem disse sessioner. Ved at arbejde gennem energien fra dit kildelys, gennem de forfædres linjer fra fortid og nutid, arbejder jeg med teams i ånden for at eliminere disse tunge blokke, der binder dig fra at leve fuldt ud på så mange forskellige måder. ORACLE & TAROT KORTLÆSNING Grundlæggende læsninger til mere i dybden og sjælelæsninger. Dette er stedet for dig, hvis du leder efter en personlig eller delt læsning med en anden for at forstå påvirkninger i livet, der er fortid, nutid og/eller fremtid AKTIVERING AF LYSKODEHUKOMMELSE Reiki-fjernjusteringer Skaber et dybt indre lys, der 'niverer' evnen til at leve bevidst og assertivt skabe det liv, du ønsker at leve. Perfekt til dem, der ønsker at helbrede sig selv, eller være til tjeneste, i kærlighedens renhedsbevidsthed, for andre. Anchor 1

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